Reader x Spain - To Forgive and Love

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"Ok (name), vhat do you vant to do?"

Your eyes scanned the room to glance at all the countries who were waiting patiently for your decision. How could you choose from all your favorites? It was nearly impossible since you had too many of them.

As your eyes roamed the room, your eyes faced the direction of the BTT, short for the Bad Touch Trio. France was making flirty gestures at you and giving you his famous wink while Prussia was grinning and wiggling his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes at both of them and resisted the urge to laugh at their cheesy flirting.

However, you then looked at Spain who seemed to be looking at you with interest with a smile on his face. His emerald eyes looked you over, but not in a seductive way like the other two did. You blushed and hid your face in the blanket that Japan had brought for you earlier.

You could hear Spain chuckle at your embarrassment.

"Hey, Germany. The chica can stay with me."

You looked up from the blanket at Germany who had a stern face on, but seemed to be pondering something.

"Can I trust zhat you vont let anyzhing bad happen to the frau?"

"Of course~!" he said cheerfully, giving him a wide grin.

"She's-a going with the tomato bastard? Hope you-a survive the experience, ragazza," Romano mumbled both in shock and anger.

"Aww~, come one Lovi~. I wasn't that bad taking care of you when you were little."

"Whatever you idiota. Just-a don't come running to me if something goes-a wrong."

Spain just chuckled and glanced back at you, catching you staring at him, and gave you a cheeerful wink. This made your cheeks heat up a little and you retreated your face back into the blanket.

A loud cough startled you and everyone else as Germany cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Ok, since I don't zhink ve vill get anyzhing else done tonight, the meeting is dismissed. Although, England, please vork on zhe spell to send (name) home, and if you don't I vill send France and America to your house to make sure you do vork on it."

You stole a glance at England who had France and America looming over his shoulders. His face had become slightly pale, but when France began to whisper something in his ear, he turned around and began to strangle him. All America did was laugh his signature laugh as he watched the two of them try to strangle the other.

You giggled at there argument and smiled, but you failed to notice that Spain was watching you. His face had a pink blush across it and his face showed a little shock at the sound of your laugh.

It was like an angel's laugh to his ears and it was so beautiful, and he instantly fell in love with you. He decided to keep that to himself though, until you got to know him better.

Everyone then began to file out of the room, some looking at England and France, rolling their eyes in either amusement or annoyance. As everyone filed out, France got out of England's grip and ran out the door with England close behind yelling 'bloody frog.'

Romano came up to you while Spain was talking to Prussia. He had on his normal scowl and his eyes flashed with annoyance.

"Good luck with-a the tomato bastard. I'll give-a you a tip though, he's extremely oblivious to-a everything, and he's too carefree in my opinion."

"I think I'll be alright. He's not a bad guy you know."

He just grunted in response and his forehead furrowed even more at the thought.

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