Italy - Tears to Tomorrow

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"Vell (name), vhat do you vant to do?"

You glanced around the room, your mind buzzing with questions mostly related to who you would stay with. All eyes were on you, waiting for you to make your decision. When your eyes fell on Italy, who was still lightly hugging you, you could see that he was making a puppy dog face, even though his eyes were mostly shut.

He then tightened his hold on you and turned to face Germany.

"Ve~ Doitsu can she stay-a with us, please? I promise to be-a good and I'll do anything you ask me to. I'll even push myself harder in-a the training excercises and I'll cook even better pasta for everyone! Please, please, please?"

"Wait shouldn't I be the one who looks after her since this is my fault in the first place?" England chimed in.

"Ve~ but you'll just make the bella ragazza work all the time. If she can stay with us I can teach her how to paint, make white flags, and make delicious pasta~."

Germany sighed and put his fingers to his brow, thinking if this was a good idea or not.

Japan had come back by this point and handed you the pillow and blanket. He then went to Germany a began to whisper something to him, but you couldn't make out what he said. Although, Germany's face seemed to relax and looked as if whatever Japan told him was a good idea.

Sighing he returned his attention to the two of you.

"Fine, (name) can stay vith us, but zhe second I hear any complaints during training she's going to stay vith England."

"Yay! The bella* ragazza* gets-a to stay with us!" Italy cheered, hugging you even tighter.

"I-Italy, I can't breathe," you wheezed once again.

"Ah! Sorry, bella, I'm-a just really happy that-a you get to stay with us!"

Germany cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention once again, "Ok, now zhat zhis is settled, England, you vill vork on zhat spell to help (name) get back home. If not, I vill ask France to go over to your house and make sure you vork on it."

England's face went pale and he shivered, while France started to loom over him, making sure he got Germany's point.

"Vell since ve probably vont get anyzhing more done, zhis meeting is adjorned."

With that everyone began to pack up there belongings and leave. Once everyone left, it was just you, Italy, Germany, and Japan.

"Germany-san, I wirr meet you back at the house." Japan then bowed to you and left out the doors.

A sudden yawn escaped your mouth as you realized how late it was, and exhaustion was creeping up on you fast. You snuggled into the blanket and leaned back into the chair, trying your best to stay awake. Italy seemed to take notice since he still had you in a tight hug.

"Doitsu, I think we need-a to take (name) home-a now. She looks very tired."

"Alright, let's head to the car. (Name), can you walk?"

In answer, you tried to stand up only to have your legs betray you and buckle underneath you. Luckily, Italy caught you before you fell on your face and picked you up in his arms. He craddled you to his chest and followed Germany outside to the car.

You were slightly surprised Italy had the strength to carry you since he would most often wave his white flag and surrender rather than fight.

The cold night air hit your face immediately as Germany opened to doors, nipping at your exposed nose and ears. Even with the blanket around your shoulders it was still freezing. You began to shiver and Italy took notice, quickly running over to the car and calling out to Germany to open the car.

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