Reader x Iceland - Where your Heart Belongs

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"Vell (Name), vhat do you vant to do?" Germany asked; his voice laced with reassurance.

The reassurance did not help your mind at all. There were just too many nations, and you knew if you picked one, the others would probably be sad that you didn't choose them. You were just too nice and never have you ever wanted to cause anyone sadness or hurt, but this was one of those things that needed to be done.

You then let your eyes scan the room, taking in each and every expression from the various nations. Some had hopeful eyes while others had a more...lustful look that you quickly looked away from. A few minutes passed and you were still unsure of who to choose, but a sudden hushed whisper from your right drew your eyes to its source.

Your eyes landed on the Nordics who seemed to be having a debate, or at least most of them were. Iceland sat at the edge of the group and was talking with the others, but he must have felt you gaze because he looked up to meet it. Although, he quickly looked back down, a light pink blush appearing onto his cheeks. You weren't the only one who noticed this because Norway looked to his brother then to you and back. You couldn't tell what he was thinking, but he turned back to the others and began speaking with them.

You decided to take a moment to take a glance at Iceland. He was wearing a red, brown coat with a white long sleeved dress shirt, and had what looked like a bow tied around the collar. His light, icy blue eyes were trying to focus on something else in the room besides you. You also took note that he had his puffin sitting in his lap, and for some reason it just kept staring at you. It partially creeped you out and you averted your gaze from him.

"Vhat are you vhispering about over zhere?" Germany spoke up, cutting you out of your thoughts and observation.

The Nordics looked up to him, each having a different expression on there face. Norway didn't show any expression, Finland had on a small smile, Sweden had a calm and reserved face, Denmark had a grin going from ear to ear, and Iceland had on a small frown.

Norway then focused his attention back on Iceland and leaned to whisper something in his ear. It must have been something funny or embarrassing because Iceland's face went beat red and he slapped Norway on the shoulder. You tilted your head in slight confusion, wondering what could have made him blush that way. You knew he was stubborn and had a slightly cold exterior, but you could tell he had a soft spot.

"I vill only ask once more. Vhat are you up to?"

"We were only dicussing that matter of letting (Name) stay with us. That is if she so chooses." Norway spoke up, cutting Matthias off from running his mouth.

"Yeah it wouldn't be a problem for us." Finland smiled.

"Ja," Sweden agreed.

"Yeah! She can totally hang out with us till England over there can send her back home. She'll have lots of fun with us." Matthias said, giving his big smirk, which earned him a slap from Norway.

Iceland just nodded his head, but noticed you looking at him. He looked away again, but a darker blush former onto his cheeks causing you to giggle lightly.

Germany raised an eyebrow, but shook his head and addressed you.

"Are you alright vith zhis (Name)?"

You smiled and gave a confident nod, earning a cheer from Matthias.

"Alright, zhen zhis meeting is now adjourned. England, please vork on zhe spell to send her home, because I'll send France over if you don't."

England merely nodded in understanding and quickly left the room before France had the chance to tease or make fun of him. The others nations soon followed suit, some waving goodbye while others were conversing with others.

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