Reader x Male!Belarus - Never Alone

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"Vell, (Name). Vhat do you vish to do?"

"Well, um..."

You glanced around the room at each of the countries, who in turn kept their full attention on you. Out of so many countries, how did they even expect you to be able to pick just one to go with? You wanted to go with all of them if you had the chance. You wanted to visit every country, and see what each had to offer in terms of culture, entertainment, and lifestyles. You would even go with France or Prussia as long as they sworn to never try to flirt with you overly much.

However, while you eyes scanned around the room, you began to feel a strange aura coming from your right. Looking over, your face paled to see Russia's closed eyed smile and his purple aura surrounding him. Poor China was sitting right next to him and was probably feeling the full brunt of the unpleasant aura. Although, why on earth would Russia even be mad at the moment when no one has made him upset or even said anything?

"She can come stay with me, da?" He asked in his innocent voice.

Everyone in the room mentally gasped at the thought of letting you go with Russia.

"Umm, Russia if I may inquire, but...aren't your countries' twins staying at your estate as of this moment? Don't you think it would be a bit unwise to - EEEEK!!!" England tried to reason, but only ended up in making Russia's aura grow.

"That won't be problem. She still like it, da?" his question directed at you.

You automatically nodded your head in agreement, not wanting to anger the Russian. Everyone looked at you with either fearful or sympathetic eyes as the room fell into an uncomfortable silence. After a few minutes Russia's aura died down and Germany was finally able to address the room.

"V-Vell, I zhink ve have our decision. This meeting is adjourned as I see nothing is going to happen this evening," with that he got up and hastily walked out the door. Italy and Japan were quick to follow, but only after bidding you farewell.

Each of the other countries followed in quick pursuit, not wanting to stay behind and chance anything.

'Well that got decided faster than I thought, but...not with my choosing,' you feared.

Unnoticed by you, Russia had made his way over to you. A sudden hand in your vision caused you to jump in fright, giving a small shriek in the process. Russia merely chuckled at your reaction and grabbed your exposed hand that wasn't covered by the blanket. He lifted you up into his arms like you weighed less the a feather and proceeded to walk out of the building.

"U-Um, I can walk on my own, Russia," you stuttered out. You didn't like being treated like some damsel in distress.

"Do not worry, sunflower. I'm only doing this so you don't have to walk through the snow," he smiled back.

'Did he just say snow?' you thought in horror. You were only wearing your pajamas and socks, and this was not a great combination for snow. Not even the thin, yet surprisingly warm, blanket would keep the cold a bay.

Russia didn't seem worried in the slightest and walked straight through the front automatic doors without a care in the world. You on the other hand, were instantly reduced to a shivering mess as you snuggled deeper into the larger man's chest to keep warm. The wind was beyond ice cold and the white falling snow didn't help matters. Your exposed cheeks and feet felt like they were being pricked with thousands of sharp needles.

Your frozen body suddenly decided to not want to move as your feet rooted you in place. Russia seemed to take noticed of you absent presence and turned to look at you with a concerned gaze. Taking in your hunched over trembling form, he walked back over to you and swiftly lifted you up into his arms. You barely registered being placed into the car or even the rest of the drive to his home. All your mind was focused on was the warm air being produced by the car's heater.

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