China - The Lantern Wish

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"Vell (Name), vhat do you vant to do?"

You sunk a little into your chair as your eyes hesitantly scanned to room to look at the various countries. Truth be told, you were extremely excited to be able to be here and see all your favorite countries, but to have them all looking at you expectantly made you very nervous. How could you choose just one nation over so many others?

The sudden feeling of a deep stare caught your senses and you turned your head to the source of it to find a figiting China. He was wearing his green military uniform that had a red armband on his upper left forearm. His brown hair was tied into a ponytail behind his head while his chocolate brown eyes looked at you longingly. He was figiting with the hem of his shirt and it looked like he wanted to say something, but knew no one would take him seriously.

The sudden opening of the meeting room door jarred you out of your thoughts. You looked over to it and saw Japan coming over with a pillow and a blanket in his arms. He handed the blanket to you and you whispered a quiet thanks to which he responded with a small bow. He kept the pillow with him for some reason, but you didn't ask why.

"Has (Name)-san chosen who will be staying with Germany-san?"

"Not yet," he replied in a indifferent tone.

"Hey Vest! She can stay vith zhe awesome Prussia!"

"Nein! I vill not have you vatch over her, and besides you live under my roof."

"Aw come on. If she stays vith us I can show her mein awesome five –Gack!" He was cut off when Japan forcefully threw the pillow he was holding into Prussia's face.

The force from the throw was enough to knock Prussia backwards to the floor with a loud thud. Spain and France began to crack up at their friend while you let out a small giggle, smiling.

What happened next you werent prepared for. Somehow a second after you giggled, China had come up from your right side and brought you into a tight hug. He nuzzled the side of his head against the side of yours affectionately.

"You're so cute, aru!! Germany can she please stay with me? Please?"

He looked to Germany with his eyes sparkling and pleading.

Germany rasied a brow as if contemplating, but spoke up soon enough.

"I thought you vere staying vith Russia, or am I wrong?"

China froze and began to shake a little in fear while still holding tightly onto you. You glanced at his face and saw that he was looking in Russia's direction. You then brought your gaze to Russia and noticed he had a menacing purple aura around him. All the nations around him were leaning away and cowering in fear.

"Da, China is staying with me," his voice sounding calm and kind, but his aura said otherwise.

"Z-Zhen I don't think she vill be able to stay vith you China," Germany stuttered out.

China's expression became both crestfallen and scared, but his hold on you didn't loosen. You saw his sad face and something inside you built up, giving you courage to speak up.

"C-Can I please stay with China, Mister Russia? It will only be until I can go back home."

You tried to sound confident and calm, but your voice crackled a little. Every nation looked at you stunned, surprised that even you would stand up to the fiersome nation. Russia brought his icy gaze to yours and looked you straight in the eyes. You held you gaze firmly and the purple aura around him began to disappear. He gave another of his smiles and spoke again.

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