Reader x Denmark - Setting Things Right

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"Vell, (Name). Vhat do you vant to do?"


That's all you could get out of you mouth right now. Such a huge decision was put onto your shoulders, but you knew they could decide for you. Though knowing their meetings, that decision could possibly take the rest of the night. Wait, was it even nighttime anymore? Who knows. All you knew was that you were just about dead tired. You glanced around the room, looking each country in the eye evenly. Some were excited, some didn't seem so thrilled, and some were giving you some pretty weird looks.

You made a note to avoid those people.

Your eyes soon fell upon five men; the Nordics as they called themselves. They each had on different expressions, but you had to admit Finland had adorable puppy eyes. Second to China though, since he was so cute. You then met the blue eyes of a curious Dane.

His short blond hair was wild, and his blue eyes gave off both mischief and determination. He was wearing his usual long black coat with red cuffs, a red shirt and black tie, red pants, and brown boots. Although, he seemed to not be wearing his little black hat, which was a bit of a shock. You noticed the grin forming across his face and your heart skipped a beat. He was handsome, you'd admit that much, but that look was beginning to make you worried.

'Uh oh,' you thought, 'Might want Germany to decide this one for me before this guy does anything stupid.'

"Germany, I think it would be best if you all try to dec -"

"She can stay with us!!" Denmark's voice boomed, causing all the nations look at him.

He had stood up from his chair with his arms crossed. A look at pure determination and decision on his face combined with a toothy grin. Although, everyone elses faces were shocked and annoyed.

'Speaking up without asking. Not smooth Denmark,' you thought.

"Shouldn't you ask us first before you go making decisions?" Norway asked with a glare.

"Oh come on. She doesn't have any place to stay, and we have an extra room no one is using right now anyway. It's perfect," Denmark countered.

"For once Denmark is right, Norway. Besides, I don't mind if she stays with us," Finland smiled.

Norway gave Finland a look, but said nothing. He wasn't about to admit that Denmark was right. If he ever did it wuld probably be the end of the world.

"I-I don't mind staying with you all, but are you sure it's alright? I don't want to impose or anything," you stuttered out.

"It's fine! Trust me! What could go wrong?" Denmark half teased.

'I can name a few things.'

"Alright, since I know Denmark von't back done vithout a fight, I believe it's alright if (Name) stays vith the Nordics. Meeting is adjourned," Germany stated with authority.

Everyone packed up their things and filed out of the rooms. Some gave you looks of longing while others gave you sad looks. It took all you had to resist China's sad puppy eyes.

"So are you ready to go, (Name)?" a voice said rather loudy in your ear.

You jumped in your seat and squeaked in surprise, causing Denmark, Tino, and Emil to laugh at you. You blushed and hid your face in embarrassment. However, Denmark had other plans and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the chair. He then proceeded to drag you with him out of the meeting room to the entrance. He flung the doors open and you were immediately blasted by the cold air. Your pajamas were not an effective barrier against this freezing winds, but Denmark didn't seem to take notice.

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