Reader x Norway - Behind an Icy Heart

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"Vell (name), vhat do you vant to do?" Germany asked in a calm voice.

Your eyes scanned the room, looking at each of the nations who eagerly awaited your decision. How could you choose one out of them all? You loved them all and this made it even harder to decide.

However your thoughts were cut short when you felt an icy stare coming from the right side of the table. You turned towards the gaze's owner to find Norway looking at you. His icy blue eyes bored into you like they were trying to figure out something. His stare sent a few chills down your spine and you cuddled further into the blanket Japan brought you.

But those eyes that were once staring at you quickly closed and he slightly turned to the side like he was embarressed. Iceland was sitting to his right eating licorice while Denmark was to his left, glancing back and forth between you and Norway and a big grin made its way onto his face.

'Uh oh, he's planning something,' you thought.

You stiffled a giggle and continued to look at him for a moment. He was wearing his navy uniform with his navy hat. His blonde hair was held up by his cross shaped pin to keep it out of his face while his arms were crossed in front of him. There was a mug sitting a few inches away from his right arm and you guessed it was probably coffee.

You couldn't read his expression, but before he turned away, you could slightly tell he had taken a small interest in you. Truthfully, you liked the quiet and shy person he was, even though you couldn't tell what he was thinking.

You once again began to scan the room, but after a few seconds of looking you heard choking sounds coming from the Nordic's side of the table. You turned your gaze once again in their direction to find Denmark being choked by Norway. Denmark was half laughing, half gagging while Norway pulled tighter on his tie.

"C-C-Come on, Norge. No use denying it, I think you l- GACK!" voice cut short when Norway pulled on his tie again.

"Shut it, you stupid Dane," Norway said with no emotion lacing his voice.

Your sudden laughter made their eyes look to you in slight confusion. You couldn't help it, they were just too funny.

"S-Sorry, but Denamrk's face was priceless," you giggled out, causing Norway to slightly blush and look away.

He then let go of Denmark and sat back down. Denmark then began rubbing his neck to make the pain go away, but soon looked up to Germany with a grin.

"She can stay with us Germany. I think she will have fun with us around, and maybe even lighten up stiff Norge."

Germany grunted and nodded his head in agreement.

"Fine, but I hope nothing happens to her vhile she is zhere. Especially since I know your drinking habits."

"Don't worry I promise not to do anything. Besides if I did Norge here would probably choke me again," he said with a laugh.

"Didn't you forget to ask us how we feel about this? We all live in the same house you know," Iceland spoke up and glared at him.

"I don't think it will be a problem, besides we still have the guestroom she can use," Finland stated happily.

Sweden grunted in agreement with Finland and nodded his head, but kept his eyes closed.

"Ha! Three against two, so we win and she stays with us," Denmark cheered and fist pumped in the air.

'Don't I have a say in this?' you thought, but you remembered how stubborn the King of Northern Europe could be.

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