Reader x Chibi!Romano - Lost, but Never Forgotten

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"Vell, (Name)? Vhat do you vant to do?"

"You honestly expect her to make a decision just like that, Germany?" England asks from across the table.

"Vell, I suppose not, but it's fair to give her a say before ve decide for her," Germany counters him.

England nods his head and motions for you to decide. You give him a worried expression. How were you going to be able to choose right then and there who you were going to stay with? You only knew the countries through the anime. They could be totally different than the anime for all you knew. Complete strangers. Well that is what you all were. Kidnapping strangers who wanted to send you back home sooner rather than later

You allow your eyes to wonder around the room to look at each individual country. They all seemed harmless, save for a few. But who were you to judge how they acted when you didn't even know them. They could be the most misunderstood person for all you knew. These strangers could be friends that you just haven't met or gotten to know yet.

You then feel a burning stare coming from your right and turn your gaze towards it. You lock eyes with a Hazel eyed Italian. His eyes were looking at you as if he had seen a ghost, and his arms were trembling just slightly. He wore his uniform, which was almost identical to Italy's, but it was tan and brown in color. He also had that signature curl off to the right side of his head.

It was the grumpy South Italy, or better known as Romano.

Spain seemed to notice Romano's stare and waved his hand in front of his face. That seemed to snap the Italian out of his trance as he swatted Spain's hand away. He cursed at him in Italian as Spain held his hands up in surrender. However, Spain took this moment to look at you more closely. Now his eyes shot open in surprise.

Did they know you or something?

"U-Um, why are you staring at me?" you ask them nervously.

"Honhonhon, looks like Spain and Romano have a crush on the fille," France chuckles.

"N-No I don't!" Spain denies.

"Y-Yeah! Where did you-a get that idea from?" Romano yells at him.

"Oh? Well, if you don't want her I'll gladly take her off your hands, Germany," France offers as he walks over to you.

He wraps his arms around your shoulders and offers you a bright red rose. His gaze wasn't on you though. It was on Romano. He smirks at him and it only widens as Romano begins to get angry. He jumps up from his chair, runs over to you, and pulls you out of France's arms and into his own. Romano hold you tightly against his chest in the most protective hug you have ever felt.

"Keep your hands off of her, you French bastardo," Romano growls at him.

France holds up his hands in surrender and winks at him. The grip around you tightens a smidge as his hold becomes a bit suffocating. Your face was a prominent shade of red as you hid yourself in his chest. It felt so safe in his arms for some reason.

'Wait, I don't know this person. Why am I so comfortable around him?'

"I take it zhat you vill be taking care of (Name) zhen, Romano?" Germany asks him.

"Of course I-a am! I don't-a trust any of you-a countries to look after her!" Romano shouts at him.

Your blush intensifies a bit. You peak to your right from Romano's arms and see Spain standing there. He seemed to be contemplating something, but at the same time he glanced at you every so often. He caught your stare and gave you a gentle smile. As much as you wanted to smile back, his smile seemed more sad than happy.

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