England - The Love of Fate

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"Ok (name) vhat do you vant to do?" Germany asked, and you began looking around the room.

Before you had a chance to speak up, England raised his hand to get everyone's attention.

"S-Since this was my fault (n-name) can stay with me till I can create the spell to send her home."

You noticed a blush across his face and slightly giggled at how cute he was acting. He seemed to notice this and his blush darkened and hid his face in his hands.

"I-I-I'm o-only offering because I'm just t-taking responsibililty for m-my miscalculations!" he stampered.

You continued to smile as you began debating whether or not to take his offer. Sure he was a tsundere, but the only thing you were really worried about was his cooking. You loved to cook so maybe he would let you cook most of the time, or even help him with his scones. The last part you weren't sure of was the fact that England happened to be your secret crush from Hetalia. To be able to stay with him was a dream come true, but you didn't want to make it seem that way or else he would find out.

After moments of thinking you gave your decision.

"I gladly accept your offer Mr. Kirkland."

Upon hearing you say his human last name he once again went tsundere and began to stutter, "J-Just because I-I'm offering you t-to stay doesn't mean y-you get to do whatever you want."

"I understand that very well, and I promise not to become a burden for you."

Clearing his throat again, Germany began to get everyone's attention, "Ok now zhat everything is settled, I don't believe ve are going to get anyzhing else done so meeting adjorned."

Everyone filed out of the room, some coming by to shake your hand and say good luck. Although, Francis decided to stay to pick on Arthur a bit before he left.

"Ma chere, are you sure you want to stay with this black sheep? I'm sure I could make you much better food than him and also not make you have to work so hard."

"B-Bloody frog! Get away from (name)!" Arthur shouted and pulled you behind him so that he was between you and Francis.
"Honhonhon~ looks like little Arthur has taken a liking to (name)." Francis teased.

Arthur's face paled and became furious to the point he began to strangle him with his bare hands while Francis did the same.

You watched them argue when you suddenly felt a sneeze forming. You had forgotten that you were wearing your pajamas, but lucky you still had your bra on and weren't wearing a white shirt.


They both stopped to look at you and noticed that you were slightly shivering. Arthur then took off his military jacket and put it around your shoulder, and began leading you out to his car. He brushing past France and muttered a few curses at him.

Once you got out to his car, he held the passenger door open and helped you get in and then got into the driver's seat. It was pitch black out, so you assumed it was rather late.

"It's going to be a bit of a drive to my home, so if you want you can sleep until we get there, love."

You gladly accepted this fact as your eyes were already drooping in exhaustion. It had been a long day and it was now hitting you like a freight train. After a few minutes, your eyes shut and you fell asleep.

----England's POV----

I glanced at (name) from time to time and noticed that she had fallen asleep. She had a rather cute sleeping face.

'Wait, what am I thinking? I'm the reason she's in this bloody mess, what right do I have to be thinking this?'

I shook my head to get thoughts out of my head, but in the end they stayed there.

I pulled up to my driveway and got out to unlock the front door and open it. I then went back for (name) and carried her bridal style into the house and into one of the guest rooms I luckily had made in case of a situation like this.

I gently laid her on the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin.

I began to walk out but turned to take one more glance at her. My face heated up and my heart beat a little faster seeing her face once again. I covered my face with my hand and left the room.

'What kind of gentleman am I? I shouldn't be watching her sleep like a stalker.' I yelled to myself.

I went to my room and got changed then went to bed. Starting tomorrow I would try to find a way to send her home.

------------------------Another Time skip :3 (4 months)-------------------------

By the end of the first month you had learned to never walk in on Arthur when he was in his 'magic' room. Lets just say it resulted in your acquiring cat ears and a tail that didn't wear off for 2 weeks. It had been your weakness that Arthur took advantage of when you refused to help him clean the house by scratching behind your ears.

It had now been 4 months since Arthur had pulled you into their world. You had kept your word about not being a burden and helped Arthur in any way you could around his home while he researched his spells. You had also somehow managed to get him to let you cook, but not without hearing him scold you for insulting his mumsy's scones.

You started to notice that Arthur wasn't going into his magic room very often, and whenever he would make eye contact with you he would quickly turn away.

He had recently been avoiding you too which got on your nerves a lot. Part of you wished to go home while the other wished to stay with Arthur. Your once secret crush on him had developed into love, but you believed he didn't feel the same. Especially since you would be returning to your own world.

After the fourth day of being avoided, you finally decided to confront Arthur and not let him sneak away without an answer.

You were walking down the hall towards his room, but before you could knock you heard Arthur talking to someone.

'Probably one of his magical friends,' you thought. You believed in them too, but for some reason couldn't see them.

You pressed your ear to the door, easedropping on their conversation while trying not to make a sound.

"What should I do Flying Mint Bunny? I found the spell to send her home a month ago, but...I...I just can't seem to begin thinking of not having her here." Arthur's voice sounded shaky and sad.

'He found the spell a month ago? Why didn't he tell me?'


"I-I am not a pervert! W-Where did that come from anyway??"

You wanted to giggle at his sudden outburst, but held it in to see if he would say anymore.

"I know, I know. I should send her back home to be with her family, but I care for her too much. She's smart, kind, caring, and even though I act rudely at times she never once ran away to the other countries."

That was true. In the beginning, you couldn't tell if he was truly mad or if he was just being tsundere, but you were soon able to read him like a book. He might have been rough on the outside, but on the inside he had a soft, gentleman nature.

Wait, did he just say he cared for you too much? Did he really feel the same way you did?

His voice cut through your thoughts as he began to speak again.

"I have to stop avoiding her, and tell her the truth so she can go home. I wonder if she's still in the living room."

Panicking, you ran to your room as quietly as you could, making it through the doorway as soon as you heard his creak open.

You laid on your bed and tried to make it seem like you were taking a nap while listening to his footsteps fade into the living room. They then began making their way towards your room, and a light knocking sounded on the door.

"(Name), are you in there?"

You closed you eyes and slowly began to relax yourself as he creaked the door open to see your 'sleeping' figure. You were currently lyingon your right side facing the opposite way from the door. You heard no movement for a few minutes, almost like he was trying to figure something out.

Slow footsteps began to make their way to the side of your bed, and stopped. You could feel Arthur's gaze on you but you kept your breathing slow and calm. He then sat behind you on the edge of the bed and began to stroke your hair softly.

If he could see your face, he would have seen a red blush that put tomatos to shame. He storked your hair for a few more minutes before he finally whispered.

"Seeing you like this will only make me want you to stay more. Why did it have to turn out this way? Was it fate that I met you? I don't know. What I do know is that if you decide to leave back to your world, I will go into a far worse state than I was after Alfred left me."

That last statement stung your heart to the point it felt like daggers were being thrust into it. How could you leave him knowing that he felt this way? The answer was simple; you couldn't.

A thought went through your mind and you wanted to see how he would react to your action. You made it seem like you were beginning to stir and shifted so you were now facing the Brit. He seemed to freeze by this action, afraid he had woken you up, but relaxed once he heard your calm breathing.

He brushed some loose hairs out of your face, and stood up. Instead of going to the door though he knelt down to look at your sleeping face.

"Bloody hell. Why do you have to be so damn cute, (name)?"

You then felt a hand hesitantly cup your cheek as silence once again fell upon the room, but what he did next you couldn't believe.

You suddenly felt something warm and soft press against your lips. Frozen and unable to think straight you didn't move nor react, but after a few moments your eyes fluttered open. Arthur was right in front of your face, his eyes closed, and he was kissing you. You gasped in surprise and Arthur opened his eyes and looked directly into your now wide open eyes.

He jumped back a few feet, still sitting on the ground with his face deep red, and began to stutter.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry! T-This I-isn't what it l-looks like. I-I... I just."

You brought your fingertips to your lips, still feeling the sensation of having Arthur's lips pressed against yours. So many thoughts were whirling around in your head. 'Was this real? Am I just dreaming? Does he truly like me too?

After a few minutes you brought your (e/c) eyes up to look at Arthur's green ones. He put his hands up defensively and closed his eyes, waiting for you to yell, scold, or even beat him up. It never came.

You got up from your bed and walked over to him and sat down on your knees in front of him. He peeked an eye open at you and waited for you to do something, anything.

You slightly smiled which surprised him and calmly asked, "Is what you said true? Do you like me?"

"U-Um...m-maybe, I mean...yes...yes it's true." He hid his face from you by looking down, seemingly ashamed.

Your smile widened and you placed an index finger under his chin and made him look at you.

"Me too."


"I said 'me too.' I like you too, Arthur."

His eyes widened in disbelief and joy when you returned his feelings. He then took your arm and pulled you into a tight embrace which you gladly returned. You both sat there for a few minutes, enjoying each others warmth.

"I-I have something to confess, (n-name). I found the spell to send you home some time ago, but...I was so afraid of letting you go and I loved you too much to just see you leave me behind."

"It's alright Arthur. I knew you had found it, but I didn't say anything. I was actually going to ask you about it later, but I heard you talking to FMB."

"You heard what I was talking about a earlier??" He gasped and his grip loosened a bit.

"yes, I was a little upset that you kept the fact that you finished the spell a secret, but after what you said your reason why, I understood. I'll stay here with you Arthur."

He tightened his embrace, and you could hear him begin to sob with a smile on his face. He pulled away to look at your face for a split second before pulling you in for a loving, passionate kiss. Your heart fluttered within its cage, and you melted into the kiss.

You snaked your arms around his neck and began playing with his messy hair as his hands made their way to your waist to pull you closer. By the time you both pulled away, you were breathless and panting.

Arthur had a wide smile on his face and was laughing slightly.

"Thank you for staying with me (name). You have no idea how happy I am. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Arthur."

You both spent the rest of the day cuddling on his couch, stealing kisses every now and then, and watched movies. You thanked fate for bringing you into their world, and for letting the one you loved love you back.

The End~  

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