Reader x 2P!England - Cupcake Kisses

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"Vell, (Name)? Vhat do you vant to do?"

You blinked once then turned your full attention to the other nations. So many to choose from, yet not one stood out more than the rest. You wanted to see them all, but you couldn't split yourself up to go with each. That was literally impossible. Each countries eyes shone with curiosity, but some shone with desire. You avoided those ones.

'How in the world am I supposed to pick one?' you mentaly groaned.

You were about to tell Germany your dilemna when the lights suddenly went out. The room was shrouded in complete darkness, and you couldn't see anything. You instantly felt scared.

"Dude? Who turned off the lights?"

"Shut up, you git! France, get your bloody hands off me!"


"Everyone, be quite! Does anyvone have a flashlight?" Germany's voice boomed.

Before anyone could answer the sound of breaking glass filled the room followed by landing thumps. Those said thumps turned into rushing footsteps as they ran around the room. Smoke filled the room causing everyone to start coughing. Tears prickly your eyes from the smoke, and you tried to cover your mouth to prevent much smoke to get in your lungs.

A sudden hand placed itself on your left shoulder, causing you to glance up in fear. The next thing that happened was a cloth was placed over your mouth and nose. You began to feel dizzy until you fainted completely, but not before hearing the owner's voice say;

"Sorry about this, Poppet."

-----------Mini Time Skip-----------

Your head felt as heavy as bricks as did your eyes. You groaned in pain before attempting to open them, which didn't really work, so you tried to take in what was in the room. You were sat at in another chair, but this time your hands were tied behind it. They were stiff and aching from being there for who knows how long.

"She's waking up!" a cheery voice stated from beside you.

You wearily opened your eyes and looked to the source only to find the said person about five inches away from your face. You shrieked and leaned away from them, but ended up leaning too far. The chair began to fall to the side before a hand caught it.

"Watch it!" the owner's voice shouted.

"Now, now, Al. That's no way to talk to a lady. You're scaring the poor girl," the other person said.

You then looked back to him and your eyes widened in both fear and shock.

You were looking at 2P!England. His strawberry blonde hair was a little messy, and his light blue, maybe teal, eyes looked down at you playfully. He wore a light-pink, long sleeved shirt with a darker pink vest, and had on a rather cute blue bow on the collar. He wore regular brown pants with gray shoes. There were faint pink swirls in his eyes, but you tried to ignore them.

You had always heard that the nation's 2P's were opposites of their 1P selves, and that sometimes they were a bit...insane. They may seem nice, but one wrong move or word and they would probably react unpredictably.

Seeing your scared and frightened form, 2P!England came up and brought you into a hug. He patted your head gently, trying to sooth you, but his smile never leaving his lips.

"Don't worry, poppet. We're aren't going to hurt you. As long as you promise not to run away that is," his voice happy and carefree.

'He really is the opposite of the normal England,' you thought.

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