Reader x Chibi!England - A Bond Unbroken

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"Vell (Name)? Vhat do jou vant to do?"

You give Germany a weary look before your eyes scan the room. You lock eyes with everyone, including England, Germany, and the rest. Maybe you should just let them pick who you would be staying with. They knew more about each other than you technically did right? After all you only saw how they acted in the anime, not in their real lives.

Rustling could be heard from England as you saw him digging through his pockets, but you paid no mind to it. You did however notice the look Norway was giving England. The normally stoic man had a look of warning, and it was being directed to England. Did he know something that the others didn't?

"Germany? I think I'm going to leave the decision to you. I can't seem to make up my mind," you tell him.

You weren't lying, but you didn't feel like choosing. Germany nods his head in understanding and goes to address the group. However, England cut him off with a victorious shout, and proceeded to hold up a scroll of parchment.

"No need Germany. I found the spell to send her home!"

"Are you sure?" Norway questioned him.

"Of course I'm sure. Are you doubting me?"

"That's not the reason," Norway said lowly. Yeah he knew something. And England seemed to know it too.

"Norway, I know what I'm doing. It's better for everyone," he reasons.

"Is it? Even for you?" Norway cocked an eyebrow.

At this England went silent and you could visually see him gulp nervously. His eyes looked like they were shaking as well as his body. The hand that wasn't holding the scroll was clenched into a fist, knuckles white as bone. Something about what Norway said clearly didn't sit well with him.

"This isn't about me, Norway. And it's not what's best for me. I'm doing what's best for her!" he says while pointing his finger at you.

"So you regret everything?" Norway asks cryptically.


"Then don't do it."

England grit his teeth and seemed to ignore Norway's last sentence. He walks over to the corner of the room and begins drawing on the floor. You couldn't see exactly what he was drawing, but you probably wouldn't be able to understand it anyway. The scratching of chalk filled the rooms as the other countries either stayed silent or whispered among themselves. You noticed how Norway kept his eyes glued to England's back. It was like he was keeping an eye on him to make sure he did what he was supposed to do.

"There," England sighs as he wipes his brow. "That's the last one. Now. (Name)? Would you mind coming over here please?"

Your cheeks heat up just slightly but you silently obey. You move onto the circle, careful of the chalk drawings. Smudging them would probably end badly. Standing directly in the center of the circle you watch as England pulls the parchment back out. He spares one more glance towards Norway before chanting. The circle began to glow behind your feet, causing you to gasp a little in surprise. Orbs of light circle around you, giving off little sparks.

You faintly hear England's voice fade away as the light glows brighter. It was so bright you could barely see in front of you. Turning your eyes back towards England, you caught sight of one single tear falling from his eye before everything around you disappeared.

England watched as you disappeared from sight before quickly wiping away the tear that had broken through. He could have prevented this and sent you home. He could have prevented you from enduring the hardships you were going to face.

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