Reader x Switzerland - Lost and Found

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"Vell (Name)? Vhat do you want to do?"

You looked over to Germany who was now sitting down with his elbows on the table and hands clasped together. He looked at you intently, patiently waiting for you to make a decision. You just gulped and turned your eyes to the awaiting countries. Each was staring at you intently as well. No pressure, right? You didn't want to make enemies by choosing one country over another, but you knew if you didn't choose one they would probably start fighting again to decide for you.

Although, you kind of did want to see England and France go at each other. That would have been a sight to see, but you didn't want to cause anymore chaos. They had already gone at each other once.

You then saw Switzerland and Liechtenstein sitting together in one of the corners of the table. You figured they sat there to not draw attention from the others countries, and also to stay neutral in all the decision making matters.

Switzerland was wearing his green military uniform and hat while Liechtenstein was wearing one of her adorable dresses. He had his eyes closed and his arms crossed, but his sister was looking at you with happy eyes. She pulled on his sleeve to get his attention and began to whisper something into his ear. He immediately shook his head and told her no, but she was being adamant. After a few minutes, he seemed to give up trying to persuade her, so he stood up and addressed Germany.

"She can stay with us, but only until the spell is completed," his stated in a stern voice.

"Yeah, she wouldn't be any trouble at all," Liechtenstein stated with a smile, though Switzerland gave her a stern look.

You knew that he didn't like to spend money on anything he didn't have to. Having you living with them was like adding another unwanted bill into the equation, and the last thing you wanted to be was to be a burden. Germany seemed to ponder this for a moment before turning his attention back to you.

"Are you ok vith zhis, (Name)?"

"Y-Yes. As long as it's okay with them," you stuttered out.

You weren't used to people helping you out, let alone offer you anything. It was so foreign to you, especially with your background. You weren't going to think on that now though, but deep down you hoped England would not finish his spell. You just had to find out how to survive in this world without being more of a burden than you were now.

Germany nodded in understanding before switching his gaze to England. England didn't even flinch under his cold stare.

"You vill remake zhat spell, or else I'll send France over to your home. Understand?"

"Yes, yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a spell to make. And don't you dare come over to my house you bloody frog!"

"Honhonhon~ No promises, mon ami," Francis teased.

England proceeded to strangle France and hey both went falling to the floor while America just laughed at them. You swore that you had an anime sweat drop on your head at their antics. It was entertaining though, so you weren't about to complain. Although, Germany would be the one to complain.

"Enough, both of jou!! *Sigh* Zhis meeting is adjourned. Come on Italy, Japan, let's got home."

With that he picked up his papers and walked out of the meeting room. Italy came over to give you one last hug before bounding after Germany while Japan bowed to you and made his way out as well. Each country followed them in turn, some giving you their farewells while others just smiled and waved goodbye. You watched each of them leave, noting how some were close while others had a love-hate relationship. You could say you were envious of them. No you WERE envious of them, since you didn't have what they did.

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