Reader x Scotland - A Song on the Wind

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"Vell (Name) vhat do you vant to do?" Germany asked.

"Um..." you mumbled and began to look around the room at the vsrious nations.

How did he expect you to be able to decide? You wanted to go with them all, but you couldn't. Each country had a hopeful look on their faces or in their eyes that you would choose them, but each hopeful stare sent pain through your heart.

After a few moments, England's voice cut through your thoughts.

"If you can't decide, love, you can stay with me since this is my fault in the first place."

"What?! No way she is totally gonna stay with the hero!" America gasped in shock.

"You cant even take care of yourself you git!"

And so the bickering started. They were really going at it while the other countries just stared at them in annoyance. After a few minutes it had gotten to the point where they were bringing up the Revolution until someone finally spoke up and broke to tension.

"Why can't ye just let the lass decide?"

Both America and England fell silent as they looked to the source of the voice in the corner of the room. You followed their gaze and were now looking at a frustrated Scotland. He was leaning against the back corner wall with a cigar sitting loosely in his mouth and his arms crossed. His shaggy, fire red hair went in all directions while his green eyes were half glaring at the two nations.

He was wearing a casual outfit with jeans and a green vest over a white shirt. It slightly surprised you he wasn't wearing a kilt, but you weren't complaining.

England's expression goes from surprised to a scowl as he then addresses Scotland.

"I'm not about to let a lady like her stay with this git, let alone someone like you."

"Says the man who can't even hold his own liquor. I'm not sure even you can take proper care of the lass," Scotland teased as England's face turned beat red with both anger and ebarrassment.

"I'd like to see you even try to take care of her, you drunken, bloody wanker."

Scotland frown grew as he then put out his cigar and walked up to England till they were about a foot apart. Scotland was a little taller than England, but that didn't deter him in the slightest. They stared at each other, willing the other to back down, but neither made a move to back away.

'Ok, I need to decide since this looks like it's going to get out of control,' you concluded.

"C-Can I please decide on my own who I stay with, so you don't have to fight with each other?" You stuttered at first but the last part came out sternly.

Scotland looked at you and smirked, clearly happy that you spoke up for yourself. He then backed away from England, who seemed slightly shocked that he had backed down, and motioned for you to make your choice.

Nodding you closed your eyes and began to think on who you wanted to go with. You thought about how England said Scotland couldn't take care of you. You felt slightly annoyed at this and thought about giving the Scotsman a chance to prove his brother wrong.

Opening your eyes, decision reflecting behind them, your then face back to Scotland. He has curious look on his face, but you just speak your answer.

"I wish to stay with Scotland."

"What??? You have to be bloody joking!" England yelled out in confusion and disbelief while Scotland just stood there with his eyes widened.

You gave a small smile and looked to Grermany to say something. He seemed to notice and cleared his throat before addressing the room.

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