Reader x Pirate!Spain - Through Time and Space

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"Vell, (Name). Vhat do you wish to do?"


You looked at Germany then the entire room of countries. There were so many and you wanted to stay with each of them, but you didn't know how long you would be in this world. You had to choose just one, and it would probably be one of the biggest decisions of your life. Because, come on, how many people get to suddenly get pulled into another dimension, and get to meet the whole world of an anime you loved? Probably none; unless you count the strange disappearances.

You let your eyes scan the room, eyeing each and every one of the nations as they in turn kept their eyes on you. It was almost as if some of them were trying to read you. However, there were also some giving you strange, as well as flirting looks, and you made a quick note to skip over them. To your left side, America was trying to give you the biggest puppy dog eyes he could. He was also on his knees to be at the same eye level as you. You forced yourself to look away with a lot of willpower, but it didn't deter the cute *cough* adorable *cough* American. You let your eyes focus on the right side of the room in a desperate attempt to not look at the puppy eyed man.

You then noticed Spain looking at you with great interest. His emerald eyes looked at you like he already knew you. Like he was familiar with you even though you just met him. His chocolate brown hair was tossled and a bit messy. His khaki uniform was a bit baggy and he had the sleeves rolled up to about his elbows. He wore a smile on his face, but it was caring and soft.

"U-Um, may I ask why you are looking at me like that?" you asked him hesitantly.

This seemed to break him out of whatever trance his was in as he blinked a few times before closing his eyes and smiled at you.

"Sorry, chica, but you just looked like someone I know," he stated innocently.

"Oh..." you trailed off.

'Of course he would think that' you thought glumly.

Honestly the man looked cute and adorable with that smile; even more so than America, who was still trying to get you to pick him. You then began to hear rustling coming from the left side of the room and took notice of England shuffling through his pockets. He had a determined expression on his face and seemed to be muttering something. He then reached into a pocket on the inside of his coat and gave out an 'ah-ha!' as a look of triumph overcame his features.

"Vhat did you find, England?" Germany inquired.

"I knew I made more than one of these," he whispered to himself before addressing Germany, "I have the spell to send (Name) home. I remembered that I made another spell just in case I got trapped in whatever world I landed in."

"Ve~ so (Name) can go-a home? That's-a great! But wait, that-a means I wont get to have-a pasta with her!" Italy cheered at first, but then got sad. He had tears forming in his eyes even though they were still shut. Germany had to pry Italy off of you with the help of Italy's brother. Man did he have a death grip.

Meanwhile, England had already begun to draw the circle in one of the corners of the room, away from everyone else. Where he got the white chalk from you didn't know. Oh wait, there was a chalk board near the front of the room. That would explain it. Once he finished, he wiped his brow and gestured for you to come over. You quickly got up and walked over, trying your best to ignore Italy's crying in the background.

"Alright, love. Just stand here in the middle and try your best not to move around too much," he instructed. You gave a nod and stood in the middle of the circle. Once situated, you gave England the go ahead and stood still.

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