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그저 쉬듯이 운다.
just like breathing, i cry again.

Early the next morning, I was sat at the kitchen bar, my journal out on the counter as I smelled the delicious breakfast Jin was making for us, pondering on what words to write to Jungkook. After I came back after my encounter with the harsh boy, I made my mind in an instant.

It was blatantly obvious to me that he was hurting. He may not be suicidal at this point, but I wasn't taking any chances. Not this time. I was determined to help him in any way that I could to prevent that possibility. He may be rude to me, but that didn't matter to me in the slightest. I already cared for him too much. He was on my radar. He was my first priority from now on.

I stared down at my paper in frustration.

"Things aren't as helpless as they seem. You'll make it through. I know you will, because I know you're strong."

It wasn't good enough, was it? There was hardly anything I could think of saying without sounding creepy or giving away who I was. If I did, I knew I'd never be able to get any closer to him. He'd push me away. But I still wanted to leave him notes, so he knew that he really wasn't alone, and he could make it through whatever he was going through...

But what more could I write?

Suddenly, Taehyung entered the room, making his presence known immediately as he stomped his feet like a little kid and whined as he approached the bar stool next to mine, sitting down.

"Aish~ Where are the new neighbors with our rice cakes~" Taehyung groaned, slouching tiredly in his seat and stretching his body over the counter. I gave him an amused look, raising my eyebrow.

"Relax, TaeTae," Jin laughed. "They're probably still busy getting settled."

Taehyung groaned exaggeratedly like an impatient child. "Minah," he said suddenly, whipping his head towards me, grabbing my attention.

"Ne?" I laughed, rubbing my eyes, as I was still tired from getting up only an hour ago.

"You met them a couple days ago, right?" He asked with a bright expression.

"Ne..." I said apprehensively, not sure where he was going with this.

"Well?" He said excitedly. "Did they say anything about rice cakes?!"

I thought back to Yoongi's remark, how he was messing with me. Due to his unamused expression the entire time, I seriously doubted that he was going to make the gesture. And Jungkook... I thought it was safe to say that he definitely wouldn't.

I couldn't see either of them doing that, coming up to our apartment door with friendly smiles on their faces. They were very to-themselves and not sociable in the slightest. Besides, from what I gathered in Jungkook's thoughts, they were struggling financially at the moment and probably couldn't even afford it, even if they did want to.

Not wanting to disappoint Taehyung, I gave him an apologetic smile. "Aniyo, they didn't, oppa. Mianhamnida."

Taehyung groaned again, pouting childishly as he put his face in his hands. "But I want rice cakes~"

suicide notes 「 jungkook 」Where stories live. Discover now