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extremely long, fluffy epilogue because you deserve it. sorry if you don't like really long shit like this, but there's a lot to cover.

warning: intense making out, mentions of oral sex (they've been together for years; what did you expect?)

no smut. sorry, but i'm too awkward to write that shit and know that my friends (some who are like 13 omfg how i've tainted you young bloods) will be reading it lmfaoooo. maybe sometime in the future i'll write smut, but not here. it will only be hinted at.

if you ever have anything that you think fits the story (edits, lyrics, gifs, etc, etc), go ahead and tell me and i'll find a place for it amongst the chapters. you could even make a trailer if you'd like.


울기도 웃기도 많이 했지만 모두 꽤나 아름다웠어.
we cried a lot and laughed a lot, but it was beautiful.

THE FIRST YEAR had hardships.

I walked through the doors of the building after work at the cafe, smiling at the woman at the front desk as I passed. That's something I was doing a lot more of lately, smiling. I was always busy back then, making money and saving up enough to pay a good portion of my tuition for the university I was attending. It was difficult — very much so — studying and working a part time job where I had a lot of responsibility as the manager while trying to keep my social life intact. But, I knew it would be worth it in the end.

I was studying in literature, trying to put my writing to use to help people in some way. Next year, I was planning to get an internship at a major editing company.

I went down the familiar hallway I'd been going down once every week for several months now, going to the office I knew Jungkook would be waiting for me in.

When I reached the white door, I gently knocked. After a moment, Mrs. Oh's voice rang out. "Come in," she said amiably.

I opened the door slowly, peeking through to see everything. The dark blue walls, faux plants, books... And the plaques showing Mrs. Oh's prowess in the field of psychology. Jungkook had been going to therapy for several months now. He was completely opposed to it when I'd first suggested it after he had another panic attack.

Luckily, it'd happened one of the nights I'd stayed at his apartment, so I was there to help him, calming him as he thrashed around, looking for things to break. Those little episodes only happened very rarely; he'd only had two since the day we got together. But they worried me to no end, no matter how much he'd tell me not to. It took a lot of convincing, but I eventually got him to go to the sessions to hopefully dig out the cause of them and facilitate the healing process he was still undergoing.

My eyes immediately found their way to Jungkook, whose face lit up immediately when he saw me. I couldn't help that my heart swelled when I saw him again. The last time I'd seen him was a few days ago when he'd taken me on a date at a nice restaurant even though we both knew neither one of us could really afford it at the moment.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything," I said, slipping through the doorway as Jungkook rose to his feet from his seat across the desk from Mrs. Oh.

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