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몸이 떨린다;
my whole body is shaking;
화창한 날에 갑자기.
on a sunny day, it suddenly rains on this window.

I sat in my room the following morning, a pen in one hand and a cigarette in the other. The open pack was lying on the desk I sat behind, and Haneul was rolling around strangely on my bed. I glanced at her and laughed as she stretched her back cutely and pawed at the sheets. It seemed Taehyung had been rubbing off on her. She was as much of an oddball as he was; I could see why Seokjin loved her.

I turned back to the cigarette in hand and brought the tip of my pen to it, writing carefully as possible the word "life". When I was satisfied with my job, I peered down at the row of cigarettes I'd written on already and placed this one neatly with the others, words facing up as well.








"Second Chances".

"New Beginnings".



"The World".








And now, "Life".

Once I was satisfied with my work, I pulled out a sticky note from inside my desk, peeling it carefully and attaching it to the box, and thus began to write my message.

"Should you choose to leave this world, these are only a few of the many things you throw away any chance of enjoying or obtaining.

Please think twice before you destroy yourself."

I used my best handwriting and smiled down slightly at the little, green box, feeling that this was definitely a good idea. And it was all thanks to Jiho. Needless to say, when I asked for one of his spare packs of cigarettes, he was beyond shocked. But I quickly denied that I smoked, saying that it was for a friend. He seemed to believe me from his thoughts, but I just hoped he didn't tell Taehyung that I did if he reconsidered the events and decided that he thought I was lying to him. That would just cause a lot of unnecessary conflict, as Taehyung would definitely badger me for weeks no matter how much I denied it if he had even the slightest inclination that I did.

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