sunday, 10/9/16, 11:59 pm.

678 59 11

i wish i hadn't fallen asleep.

i wish my body didn't feel fatigue

so i could've listened to your voice

sing to me through the wall

just a little bit longer.

i would've found some excuse to invite you over

and we could finally talk one on one.

no pressure, no audience.

just words.

and i could listen to your voice even more.

i think i love your voice just a little too much.

when i heard it through the wall, it felt like

it was putting me back together.


i lied to you.

it wasn't the thunder i was really afraid of,

but myself.

i wonder if you're afraid of yourself, too.

but, i've thought it over for about an hour now

and i've decided i want to tell you the truth.

because i want us to be closer,

and i want you to trust me.

i used to think i only wanted to know you,

but i've realized

that i want you to know me, too.

and maybe this is a huge risk,

or a stupid mistake,

but i think i'm going to tell you everything.

i'll probably end up blurting it all out,

or phrasing it in a strange way,

and there's no guarantee that you'll even care,

but i think you might.

after all, you cared enough to call me out on

my more obvious lie.

and i care about you,

maybe even too much,

so the chance that you might care

is just too much to pass up.

but there's still that lingering,

concerned and worrisome voice

in the back of my mind

that keeps chanting at me,

"this could either make

it all fall together,

or completely fall apart."


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