saturday, 9/24/16, 9:49 pm.

711 68 9

we walked to the nearest coffee shop.

i asked why we didn't take your car,

and you looked embarrassed.

"it stopped running a few days ago."

"oh... that's okay.

it's too nice out to drive anyway."

i smiled, and you tried to, but

i felt bad.

i always ask such invasive questions.

i can't help it, though.

i just want to know.

i want to know

everything about you, it seems.

even the little,


insignificant things

that no one else would dwell on,


why you have a habit of sniffling,

why you rarely use honorifics,

why you always scrutinize your surroundings,

why you only see the dark side

of every moon,

why you always give such curt answers

to my endless, prying questions.

at least you're trying to answer them.

anyone else would've written you off

as a rude punk,


i know you're more than that,

and i...

i just want to know you.

you ordered an americano.

i made a face and asked why.

"i like the bitterness."

i asked why, again.

you looked annoyed.

i'm sorry for always annoying you.

"sweet things just feel so artificial."

i never thought i'd be comparing

something like coffee

to a person.

but it suddenly reminded me of you,

bittersweet and the same color as your eyes.

i love your eyes.

so i ordered one as well.

we started walking back to the building,

and the silence was so thick with the tension

of unspoken words,

but it was nice.

it was only ever strained with us, but

i always enjoy your company.

why is that?

you put an earbud in your ear.

i asked,

"what kind of music do you like?"

you said,

"music that means something."

you showed me some songs you liked.

the darkness in the lyrics made me frown, but

the light flickering in your eyes,

the life trying to be struck once more

like a match,

made me smile.

and then you pulled out a cigarette,

and you lit it up,

and you breathed in the toxic fire,

and you tilted your head back in relaxation,

and the sunlight filtered through

your jet black hair,

and i saw the blue undertones,

and i was breathless.

but you were the one

destroying your organs.


suicide notes 「 jungkook 」Where stories live. Discover now