wednesday, 9/7/16, 11:56 pm.

799 65 6

this boy...

he's driving me absolutely


with worry.

i should be fast asleep by now,


these thoughts of him

won't let me rest.

i keep replaying today

over and over again

inside my head.

the way he looked

with those puffy, red eyes.

for the first time

in the ridiculously short

amount of time i've

known him,

he seemed vulnerable.

and i saw inside.

just a ghost of the real things

holding him down,

clawing at him,

ripping him apart

from inside his mind.

i wish he wouldn't


so much;

i wish his words

were softer;

i wish his eyes

were warmer.

i feel like he was meant

to be happy,

but something

got in his way.

there were so many things

i wished i would have said;

so many things i felt

that i couldn't understand.


you like to hide

behind a black, blurred mask

of bitterness.

i wonder who you

could possibly be



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