saturday, 11/12/16, 7:45 pm.

578 64 28

even though i have





an education,

and countless other things

i should be grateful for,

i still somehow feel empty

because i don't have


but i know i can't.

not now.

not yet.

you have to get better.

i spoke to your eomma,

and it only reinforced my beliefs

that you should forgive her.

she's a good woman.

she loves you.

she only wants to move on.

but you still refuse . . .

you haven't even spoken

a word to me

in over a week.

did you know that i've been crying

almost every single night

because of you?

did you know i've been waking

everyone up with my

nightmares of you?

can you hear me through the wall?

why don't you call out to me

like you used to?

my oppas want me to go

to therapy

because these dreams

are so relentless.

i agreed to go

just so i could feel like i

was trying my hardest

to get better,

even when i know i'm

getting worse.

are you getting worse, too?

i know you must be;

i can feel it

in my chest

every time i have an anxiety


because of the intense


i have

for you

and only

you . . .

why have you locked yourself away


why are you hiding


you need help the most right now.

why won't you let me help you


i have always known you needed me,

but it never fails to surprise me

that i need you just as much . . .

i miss you.

i miss talking comfortably with you.

i miss your laugh,

your smile,

your voice,

your eyes,

your everything . . .

i hate missing you.

when i'm missing you,

it feels like a part of me is missing, too . . .

something is definitely missing . . .


suicide notes 「 jungkook 」Where stories live. Discover now