wednesday, 12/7/16, 10:26 pm.

504 51 8

my hands are trembling

like an earthquake,

and they're cold

like a blizzard.

my mind is a storm in itself,

and i'm panicking

like an animal backed into a corner


you didn't believe me.

where do we go from here?

i have no clue, but . . .

i'm still


i'll never give up on you,

not while you're still breathing,

because . . .

i can't watch you finally fall.

it would mean both of or demises.

when you would hit the bottom of the cliff,

you'd crush the last ounce of sanity

i've been clinging to

all this time,

throw it into oblivion

along with your beauty.

everything, all of our efforts,

would be wasted.

i can't watch those familiar flames

in your eyes


die out.

not when they illuminate

the entire universe.

i've come to love them

even as they burn me,

make me sweat.

because they ignited me, too,

when they were

igniting us, warming our freezing worlds,

welding them together . . .

i only hope, after all this time,

that we're bound close enough,

that there's no possible way

to s e v e r us

from each other.


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