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싸이코라고 해도 과언이 아니.
you wouldn't be wrong to call me a psycho.

I subconsciously adjusted the scarf around my neck that hid the dark marks he'd left.

Luckily, since it was so cold outside, no one even asked about it. Not even my teachers or friends.

Taehyung almost saw them at dinner one night, asking why I had a scarf on indoors, but I quickly said that it was because the apartment was very cold, which wasn't a lie.

When I saw that he believed me, I let out a silent breath of relief. I didn't want to have to explain them to him; he was practically my brother and would definitely think we did something... more than just kissing. I didn't want him to be disappointed in me by seeing them.

He was one of the many on the list of people who disapproved my turbulent relationship with the broken Jungkook, even if he was more understanding than most, as he knew me better than anyone after so many years.

"You haven't touched your burger," Jiho said as we walked along the Han River, breaking me out of my trance. "What's wrong?"

There was a cool breeze and an overcast, giving everything an eerie feel as it got darker by the second. I kept waiting for the lights to come on, but they never did. I would've felt on edge of Jiho wasn't here.

"Mianheyo," I let out a long, prolonged sigh. There was no point in hiding myself from Jiho; he could read me so easily. "I've just been thinking too much again."

Jiho pressed his lips together, making his cheeks look chubbier for a second. It was cute, admittedly. "Well, stop thinking," he said bluntly, causing me to laugh quietly. "Just look at how pretty the river looks," he added quietly after a moment, gently grabbing my wrist and tugging until I was facing it.

It really was looking beautiful, tall trees lining the flowing water that rippled into tiny waves with the wind. A few large boats passed by. If you listened closely, you could hear all the people talking and laughing, just enjoying their simple life together.

"Look at the moon," he practically whispered. I did as he said, tilting my head up to look at the moon that was shrouded by the clouds. It was amazing how the silvery glow bounced off every crack of the clouds, creating beautiful portraits in them.

"Daebak," I whispered, making Jiho chuckle. He turned his head to the side, spotting something in the distance as his face lit up.

"Let's go to the playground," he said, pulling me along by the grip he had on my wrist.

"Wait," I called, flustered as my hair kept blowing into my face. "I still have the burger!"

He laughed loudly. There was a childish tone to it, making my heart swell. "Forget about the burger, Princess! Just throw it away."

"That's a waste!" I countered. I would feel bad for throwing it away without taking even one bite, especially when I hadn't paid for it. Jiho had insisted on paying.

Before I could protest any further, he took it from me and ran away, laughing like an idiot. It was amusing to watch him run because he was so tall with a mature face, hair styled and dressed so suavely in his black button up, trench coat, slacks and dress shoes. I had no idea how he could run so fast in clothes like that. I guessed long legs had their advantages.

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