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마음이 뵈니?
can you see my heart?
너에게 끌려.
it's being pulled to you.
내게서 눈을 떼지 말고.
don't take your eyes off of me.
내게 다가와 잇게.
come closer so i can get to know you.

I was smiling wider than I had in a long time as I sat in the passenger seat of Jiho's truck, one of his many raps blasting bass all around us and wind making a mess of our hair as the windows were rolled down and we drove at an almost alarming speed down the highway in the middle of the afternoon.

Usually, this kind of recklessness would have me on edge, biting my cheeks as I frantically looked around with wide eyes and gripped onto the sides of my seat like I was holding onto life itself. But it seemed that the louder the music and rapping of my three old friends in the back seat added to that of the new one behind the wheel, the stronger this new sense of freedom and thrill which I'd never had the privilege of experiencing before became. For once, acting irresponsibly my age didn't terrify me, but instead exhilarated me to the point that I found myself enthusiastically - and quite terribly -rapping along with the four guys in my company.

And all I could think of was, Man, it's nice to let go for once...

The song switched from one of Namjoon's compositions to one I hadn't heard before. Regardless, I couldn't help but nod along to the beat.

"Oh, Hyung! I love this song!" Namjoon called from the back seat, clapping his old friend on the shoulder.

Jiho laughed, reaching back to hit the younger playfully. I could tell the words were about to begin when Jiho opened his mouth, rapping along with his own voice. I sat back to watch in awe, the star struck feeling returning as I helped myself to drinking up every note of this private concert.

"Knock knock, anyone there?
Knock knock, anyone there?
If you're unhappy with something, go tell your mom.
I don't even care about that lard.
They try to scratch me up with keyboards,
but I just snort and blow you a kiss.
My pants pockets are so full.
I'm telling you, there'll be a second wind.
My name will take a high place in the charts."

Namjoon suddenly jumped in, practically yelling the lyrics because he was getting so into it. Jimin and Hoseok were bouncing around and 'popping' in their seats. They literally looked like popcorn cernels when you pop popcorn.

"I want money.
I don't want Sanwa Money.
I don't want money dirtied by you.
It's dirty.
Just go watch porn.
The superstar you're watching is me. If not, whatever.
I can do this too, OGG.
I wore it since high school, bape, bape.
It's an emergency, my mission.
But I'm not scared at all.
My goal is to die die legend, no, no.
Living legend: it's my small ambition."

Jimin and Hoseok were full-on yelling at this point, and I laughed, covering my ears before Jiho jumped back in. I studied his face, admiring how animated and passionate he got when he rapped. His expression seemed to change with every word, which was a sharp contrast to his usual blank face. I couldn't help but envy his confidence.

"Say yes or no. Say yes or no.
Hurry, yes or no. Do you love it? Thanks a lot.
Say yes or no. Say yes or no.
Hurry, yes or no? That's funny. What the hell am I doing?"

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