wednesday, 11/13/20, 1:34 am.

505 47 7

i look to my left and there you are,

sleeping soundly with that peaceful look

settled onto your features like the

morning dew on the windowsill


blooming quietly, growing invisibly,

as the sunlight filters into their leaves.

you stir here and there,

a soft sound being made,

a slight shift in your body,

so natural.

natural beauty, though flawed,

is beauty in the purest form,

so they say,

so i say.

and with the knowledge of your flaws,

you stir in your sleep,

a disgruntled frown sets in,

a deep crease in your forehead.

but, like the leaves of a fern,

if i touch it, it shrinks.

and i think that's what love is.

but love is a lot of things,

comes in many forms;

like seeing the beauty in even

the most dilapidated of ruins, which,

though crumbling,

can be cherished if a wise enough eye

can look past the cracks

and see where they came from.

but, as you drift back into the realm of dreams,

i realize that that is where you belong,

in that kingdom of cloudy fantasies,

because that is what you are.

and, like most dreams,

you were scarce —

hard to come by, to reach,

with people at every corner,

every cloud that turned black in the sky,

telling me to turn back

before it rained —

before it thundered and the lightning struck.

and, with a burn of electricity already

manifested in my heart,

that was what i'd been afraid of all along.

but how can a dream be reached

if you're scared of thunder?

so, with a newfound sense of bravery

elicited and enlightened

by the silent plea in your voice,

i climbed my way up to the highest cloud.


look at all we can see

from up here.



dear jungkook-oppa,

i had to go to class, so don't be scared
when you don't wake up next to me.
i know you'll be afraid that you scared
me off last night, but i assure you i'm
not going anywhere. read this when
you wake up and smile, because soon
your ring finger than holds it will also
hold a ring.

also, i left you a coffee on the kitchen counter.

be safe at work.

i love you.


suicide notes 「 jungkook 」Where stories live. Discover now