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포기 못하겠는걸.
i can't give up on you.

When I stepped out of the big exit doors in the front of my school after dismissal, I was pretty surprised to see a familiar black truck parked by the curb. And even more surprised to see Jiho leaning against it, arms crossed as he stared at the ground with that blank look that was quite intimidating if you didn't know him.

My peers looked on much like they did when Taehyung would pick me up, admiring my attractive friend and whispering quietly about how handsome he was. I ignored them as I cautiously approached the vehicle. Jiho and I hadn't been speaking very frequently, and when we did it was pretty brief and felt like I was annoying him, so I left him alone.

I didn't know if he was just busy or if he was still holding a grudge about picking Jungkook up from the club, completely drunk off his ass.

He looked up as I neared him. "Annyeonghaseyo," I said shyly, still wondering why he came but not wanting to seem rude or like I didn't want him here by asking.

"Annyeong," he smiled slightly, but shifted on his feet in a way that portrayed his nerves clearly. I tilted my head slightly, having never seen Jiho nervous in all the time is known him; he was always so cool, collected and confident.

"I, uh... Well..." He sighed, not knowing how to say whatever it was he wanted to. A small smile crept up onto my lips, finding the uncharacteristic timidity quite cute.

His cheeks were tinted pink as he reached into the open window of the truck behind him, pulling out a medium-sized, cute stuffed bear.

It was pastel pink with bits of white here and there, its fur a bit sparkly and a pastel blue ribbon around its neck in a pretty bow. It looked a bit out of place while it was being held by an extremely tall man wearing all black from head to toe. I giggled slightly at the sight as I took it from his outstretched hands with both of mine.

"What's this for?" I asked, repressing a yawn by covering it with the brightest, close-lipped smile I could manage.

"To say sorry," he said quietly, still seeming quite embarrassed and awkward as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I've been a bit rude lately, not replying to your texts and shit, and I feel bad for it."

I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of me as I observed the bear more closely. "Why is 'Happy Birthday' written on its stomach?"

Jiho's face turned bright red, and I immediately felt bad for embarrassing him even more. But, I couldn't lie, I found it incredibly cute as he swallowed and began tripping over his words. "Well, that- they only- at the store, I couldn't find any with 'I'm sorry' and I didn't wanna get you flowers because they'd just die, y'know? And I-"

I cut off his nervous rambling by wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders, pulling him in for a tight hug as I laughed quietly. Jiho breathed a sigh of relief, hugging my waist firmly. After a second or two, I pulled back.

"You looked like you needed a hug," I said playfully, referencing what he'd said before. He laughed, looking down at me with his soft, sparkling brown eyes lined with harsh, black eyeliner. I didn't notice his hands were still on my waist until I took a step back, hugging the soft bear to my chest.

"This is why you came?" I asked, squeezing the bear even tighter. It was so soft; I started petting it, loving the feeling of the plush material under my fingertips.

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