tuesday, 11/28/16, 4:58 am.

491 49 8

they keep telling me to give up on you,

that you're bad for me,

that you don't want saving.

but they don't know you.

they don't know that you

always wanted to be saved.

you always needed someone

to help you.

you told me so yourself

in that song you wrote about me,

the one you showed me

that first time

you kissed me.

i keep thinking back to that day,

how beautiful you looked in the light

from the open window,

the dreary overcast outside,

how your voice was like an angel's,

your eyes dark with all your demons,

how it felt to know you cared enough about me

to inspire art,

how you made my heart race,

my cheeks blush a million different shades.

you really always were so beautiful.

beautiful enough to bring a tear to the eye.

beautiful enough to make birds sing for you.

beautiful enough to trace new constellations,

form new galaxies in the sky.

now, tell me . . .

how could i


'give up'

on someone



and it's certainly taken some time,

but . . .

i think

it all makes sense now.

i think

i figured something out

from watching the hands

on my clock

tick in the silence

in vicious cycles that will never end

like we do.

in order to cease the cycles,

stop time from ticking away,

something crazy has to be done.

and i've done everything i

could possibly do.

except . . .

admit my feelings for you.

i know you're an hourglass,

and i can see the grains of sand

quickly diminishing.

if i tell you that i love you,

will it stop time?

i can't stop doubting

if you'll accept me,

if it will be enough even if you do,

if i haven't already run out of time.

in this moment, i would give anything

to know what the outcome will be

in the end.

i would trade everything i own.

but i can't.

even still, if this is the only thing i

haven't tried,

the only thing i

can do now . . .

i'll take my chances.

i'll risk it all for you.

i can only pray

that it won't worsen things

even further.


suicide notes 「 jungkook 」Where stories live. Discover now