Chapter 5: First Day part 3

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Chapter 5: First Day part 3

I handed Mr. Davidson my pass and took my seat with my friends who no doubt by their looks were wondering where I had been. “Jayden we know you went with Gavin, so I’m assuming it went well.” Roxy said holding up my hand showing Anna that I was wearing my engagement ring again.

“Girl you don’t even know what we went through last hour because Candy seen you leaving with him.” Anna said glaring at me. “What, she seen us?” I asked worried. “Yep and she wasn’t very happy either but Anna stood up to her for you.” Roxy said smiling.

“Really what happened?” I asked. “She was looking out the window and started freaking out when she seen you two together and she must of overheard Angel and I talking because she decided to prance on over and start questioning us on why you were with him.” Anna replied.

“Wow that’s crazy I’m surprised she didn’t come running after us.” I laughed. “Oh no it gets better, she realized who you were and called you a slut and just went on and on until I finally just told her to shut up and sit down oh and I made sure to inform her of how big of an airhead she is.” Anna grinned.

“Damn I missed it I would have loved to see the look on her face when you told her that.” I smiled as I pictured Candy standing there eyes huge and mouth hanging agape. “Yea me too.” Roxy added. “I appreciate you standing up for me girl wish I could have been there to witness it though.” I smiled.

“Oh and she took JC over to the dark side.” Anna said sadly. “What!? I’m sorry girl if I hadn’t of went with Gavin you’d still have yourself one fine ass man.” I said sympathetically. “No worries he didn’t fit in with our group anyways definitely didn’t deserve our friendship.” She smirked.

“I don’t think it’s the last we’ve heard from her either Gavin is breaking up with her this hour so I can only imagine what it’s going to be like the rest of the day because he has done told me he’s not letting me out of arms reach.” I smiled thinking about being in his arms again.

“Yep you’re definitely going to have to watch your back until she cools down if she ever will.” Roxy said trying to smile. “Yea, tell me about it I’m not too worried about it because I have you guys to help me get through it plus I’ll have him back by my side like it has been since eighth grade.” I smiled.

“I can’t wait to hear all the gossip and rumors that will be passed around.” Roxy grinned evilly. I’m sure she will be starting some interesting ones herself just to get things stirring like she usually does but it made school a lot more interesting.

“Just nothing too bad this time unless it’s about Candy.” I grinned, thinking about all the evil things she had spread about Gavin when he had broken up with me. I had decided to turn my attention to Mr. Davidson for the remainder of class since I had missed the first ten or twenty minutes.

“So how long do you think it will last?” Anna whispered to Roxy. “I’m not sure but I swear if he hurts her again I will make him wish he hadn’t ever been born.” Roxy growled. “I think if he hurts her this time that I might just take his manhood away from him.” Anna grinned menacingly.

I could hear the girls whispering but my mind was on Gavin and how well his break up with Candy was going and whether he actually did it or not so as soon as the bell rang I was up and out of my seat almost instantly rushing the girls towards the door.

“Hurry up you two let’s get out of here we need to get a move on it so we can meet up with him before next period.” I said dragging them both through the doorway out into the hall. Sure enough he was standing there next to the open door with a cocky smile on his face as we walked out.

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