Chapter Seventeen: Too Forgiving?

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Chapter Seventeen: Too Forgiving?

I woke up a few hours later to see AJ sitting beside my bed. “Hello my ray of sunshine.” He smiled down at me. “Hey what time is it?” I asked slowly sitting up. “Around three sorry I didn’t get here sooner we had some things come up with the tour that we needed to work out.” He said as he helped me up off the bed.

“It’s ok I managed to get a few more hours of sleep before returning home to a house full of people.” I smiled at him as the nurse came in with a wheelchair. “I’m sure they will leave if you want them too.” He said as he wheeled me out to his car. “I’m just tired of everyone giving me looks full of pity.” I said as he opened the door.

“Jay, it’s hard for all of us to see you like this at the hands of yet another guy.” AJ said as we headed towards my house. “It’s my own fault I was playing with fire this time I should have known better.” I said staring out the window. “You are right you know firsthand what it is like to be cheated on yet you did it to him.” AJ shook his head as he got closer to my house.

“Yeah I do know firsthand but at the same time I’ve not done more than just kiss Justin I know it was wrong but it’s hard for it to feel so wrong when kissing him is so amazing.” I replied as we pulled into the driveway. “Just so you know Nick hasn’t been doing too well the meeting we had today was to decide whether we should move forward with the tour kick off in a week or if we should push the date back.” He said taking my hand in his.

“Why are you telling me this I’m glad he feels like shit at least maybe he will feel half as bad as I do right now.” I snapped opening the car door signaling I was done with the conversation. “Jay I’m sorry I wasn’t meaning to upset you I’m just saying I honestly believe he feels terrible about what he did to you.” He said helping me out of the car.

“AJ look you know better than anyone how much I cared about Nick and knowing that you also know that it takes a lot to cause me to stop caring no matter what they do.” I replied as we started towards the house. “I know but Jay he’s just not been himself for quite some time which I think has something to do with what he did to you because we all know that wasn’t the Nick we care about.” He said as we went into the house.

“Look who finally decided to grace us with her presence.” Roxy said hugging me. “I’ve been waiting on you guys to come bust me out of that place.” I laughed as I slowly sat down on the couch. “We couldn’t agree how to go about executing our plan.” Anna said sitting beside me. “They refused to let me dress in all black and hum the theme to Mission Impossible as I stealthily moved down the halls.” Ciara pouted beside me.

I couldn’t help but laugh which hurt like hell. “C we already told you that wouldn’t work because you and stealth just don’t mix well.” Angel added sitting on the love seat. Ciara crossed her arms letting out a frustrated sigh causing everyone to laugh even more. I grabbed my side with my good arm as I fought back the urge to laugh any harder because I was already in some serious pain.

It was nice having the girls back to their old selves and not treating me like they had been when they came to see me in the hospital. All the guys except AJ were hardly saying anything to me and wouldn’t look me in the eyes it was beginning to get extremely frustrating.

“I’m glad all of you were here to see me home from that horrid place but I am going to head upstairs to lay down so don’t tear this place up too much.” I said as I slowly stood up. AJ and Brian were instantly at my side. “It’s ok I can manage on my own.” I said shoving them back from me.

They hesitantly backed away from me but both stayed right next to me to the stairs. I took a couple steps up and realized it was going to be harder than I had thought because I felt like someone had started stabbing me in my side repeatedly. I froze and grabbed my side in pain.

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