Chapter Sixteen: In the Hospital Again

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Chapter Sixteen: In the Hospital Again

As I woke up I soon realized that I couldn’t open my eyes more than halfway so it hindered my sight greatly. I noticed Justin and AJ passed out in chairs to the right of me. I went to say something to wake them up but my throat felt dry, scratchy, and extremely sore. I tried my best to scan my body only to notice that my arm was in a cast.

I also felt like I had something wrapped around my upper body from under my arms to just under my ribs. I went to move my good arm when a sharp pain shot through my side causing me to let out a barely audible whimper. But it was enough to jolt Justin and AJ upright.

I watched them as the realization that I was awake hit and they were instantly standing up and hovering over me. “It’s good to see you awake but don’t try to talk or move.” AJ said as he rubbed my leg. I nodded my head to show him I understood. “I will go get the doctor and let him know she is awake now so he can fill her in on everything.” Justin smiled down at me before heading towards the door.

“I better let the girls know you’re awake otherwise they’ll have my ass.” AJ said pulling out his phone. I laughed a little trying not to move because it seemed to hurt when I did anything. I began to wonder if any of them had contacted my parents or not. I went to ask him but as I tried to form the words the pain started to increase and I felt as if someone had shoved a knife straight through my throat.

I moved my good hand to it and gently felt for any indication of anything that could be causing the pain. AJ about dropped his phone when he saw what I was doing. “Jay don’t touch your neck at all and you shouldn’t be moving around.” He said as Justin and the Doctor walked in.

“So glad to see you are awake up Miss Rutledge. I’m sure they have already told you that it is imperative that you don’t move or speak as you have fractured four ribs and have suffered some swelling and some minor damage in your throat from the attack.” the doctor said standing over me looking into my eyes with that stupid light thingy.

“Yes I told her that as soon as we realized she was awake plus I had to remind her again as she started to touch her neck with her hand.” AJ said standing up. “I know it’s hard to do but you really can’t talk right now or move your upper body too much it can cause more damage which could turn into long term.” The doctor said looking into my eyes making sure I understood.

“Have either of you told her the extent of her injuries?” he asked looking between Justin and AJ. “No as soon as she woke up he told her what not to do and I came to get you.” Justin said rubbing my leg. “We figured it would be best if you just explained everything to her.” AJ added.

“Ok well as I have already said you have four fractured ribs that we have wrapped a bandage around to help them stay in place and heal along with severe swelling and bruising of her neck which has caused your throat to be extremely sore but you should be able to talk again in a couple of days.” He said as he made sure I understood everything.

“I’m recording you doc that way I can replay it to her if need be.” AJ smiled up at him showing him his phone. “Oh that’s a good idea, now Jayden your arm was broken in two areas so we put it into a cast to which you will have to wear it in a sling until your ribs have healed some. Those were the main injuries but along with those you also have two black eyes and major bruising that I can almost guarantee is to the bone in your cheeks along with bruising on your inner thighs which I noticed some older bruises along with fresh ones and last but not least you have some bruising around the teeth marks on your breast.” the doctor said showing everything to Justin as he took pictures to show me since I was unable to move.

I started crying as he was explaining all my injuries to me the worst part was even crying hurt I was in pure hell no better word for it. “Don’t worry babe you will heal and be back to normal in no time.” Justin said placing his hand on my head. I wish I could believe him but that was hard to do when I was in the hospital at the hands of yet another man that I loved.

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