Chapter Nineteen: Fighting Resolves Nothing

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Chapter Nineteen: Fighting Resolves Nothing

I woke up later that day, happy that things had worked out between the two of us but I was worried that my friends wouldn’t be happy. After a few minutes I felt the intense pain start creeping up slowly at first then just hit me like knives cutting right thru my flesh.

I was in so much pain all the sudden that I could barely breathe much less scream for help. I started trying to nudge Nick but I quickly realized he wasn’t there so I started to panic. I grabbed my phone and pressed the number three to call Nick immediately.

As soon as he answered I tried my best to tell him what was wrong but I couldn’t get much more than a whimper out. “Jay what’s wrong is everything ok?” he asked after I didn’t make a noise. “I….need….my…..” I managed to get out before collapsing back onto my pillows.

“OH MY GOD, JAY, I’LL BE THERE SOON.” He yelled as I felt my eyes becoming heavy. The intensity of the pain and lack of breath caused me to pass back out. I awoke an hour later still in a lot of pain but at the moment it wasn’t as bad as it had been.

“Nick, AJ, anyone?” I called out in hopes that someone was there to bring me my pills. When no one answered I pressed redial on my phone. “Babe I’m sorry I’m driving as fast as I can I will be there soon I promise.” Nick said hanging up.

I laid there praying that someone would show up to help me but no one came to my aid. Finally after about forty five minutes I heard a car door then someone coming in the house and up the stairs. I waited to see who it was when Nick burst through my door.

“I’m here, I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to you, now what do you need?” he said rushing to my side. “Pills.” I answered knowing that would be enough for him to understand. He ran into the bathroom grabbed my meds and a glass of water before returning.

I quickly got the pills down and laid my head back waiting for them to take effect. I watched as he took my meds and the empty glass back into the bathroom where he seemed to be doing something else but I wasn’t sure what. I swore I heard him talking to someone but I figured I was just hearing things.

After he was done doing whatever it was he came and laid down in bed with me. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you when you needed me.” He said wrapping his arm gently around my waist. “I know you are I just don’t understand what took you so long to get home to me.” I said watching his facial expressions looking for any hint of him lying to me.

“I know I had to run some errands for my mom and I ended up a few towns over and traffic was a mess I wouldn’t have left if I would have known that the others were going out to the clubs tonight.” He said not even flinching.

“It’s ok I’m just glad you made it when you did because I didn’t know how much longer I was going to be able to deal with the pain without killing over.” I said trying to lighten the mood. “I’m glad you didn’t kill over because I would have been very upset with myself.” He said kissing my forehead.

As the pain slowly started to fade I felt myself begin to get sleepy but I had other things on my mind so I fought the heaviness of my eyes. “Why are you fighting sleep princess, you know you need your rest.” Nick said rubbing his thumb across my eyelids.

“I’m sorry but I can’t sleep when I am feeling the way I am right now.” I grinned up at him. “No Jayden, I’m not going to risk hurting you more than I already have.” He said putting his foot down. “How are you going to tell me no?” I asked batting my eyelashes at him.

“You can try whatever you want the answer will still be no.” he said kissing my forehead. I decided I needed to try and pick up my game so I started to gently rub circles on his chest with my good hand. I watched as he shivered a bit and goose bumps formed on his arms.

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