Chapter Twenty Three: What a Month

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Chapter Twenty Three: What a Month

It had been a month since Roxy had told me about Nick getting that skank pregnant and I found out that I had a precious angel up in heaven. I still hadn’t forgiven AJ or my parents for keeping her from me.

I knew one day I would but I just couldn’t stop thinking about her I would catch myself staring at her picture everyday. Justin went out the day after everything and added me to his cell phone plan making sure to change my number.

As pissed off as I was I still sent my mom and dad a text making sure they had my new number in case something ever happened and they needed to call me. But other than them I had only given it to the girls only after making them swear to me they wouldn’t give it to any of the guys.

I had no reason to talk to any of them. Justin insisted we give it to JC just in case something ever happened to him he could get ahold of me. But things had been getting better I pretty much moved in Justin only going to my house to let his mom have some time to herself.

For the most part we were at the studio which I had become their go getter so to speak anytime they needed anything while they were recording or going over their routine for their upcoming US tour I would run out and get it.

I hadn’t really talked to the girls much in the past few weeks but I knew they were busy with school and sulking since the guys had left to start their European tour. Roxy had called me last night wanting us to all get together and go to the mall.

I was excited to get out and do something with them I had missed them all so much I just hoped they didn’t go on and on about the guys. I stood outside the studio with Justin while we waited on Roxy.

“Are you sure you guys aren’t going to need me today?” I asked placing another kiss on his lips. “Yes babe, we will be fine trust me you need to go have some girl time. I know you miss them just as much as they miss you.” He smiled pulling me tighter to him.

“Alright I just feel like I’m leaving my responsibilities to go have some fun.” I laughed as he started mimicking me. “Trust me no one will mind you not being here for one day besides we can go back to making JC get anything we need.” He laughed.

“Oh I’m sure he’ll like that.” I grinned as he mashed his lips to mine. He began to deepen the kiss making my body sing with pure happiness. “I swear you two need to get a room.” We heard someone laughing.

“ROXY!” I yelled jumping on her. “I think someone has missed me.” She laughed pushing me off of her. “Of course it’s feels like it has been forever since I’ve actually seen you.” I said standing up. “It’s only been a few weeks you dork.” She laughed wiping her clothes off.

“Hey Rox keep her in line I fear she may go over board seeing as she hasn’t been out of the studio long enough to do anything besides sleep the past couple of weeks.” Justin laughed hugging her.

“I think we’ve done more than just sleep when we aren’t here.” I teased making him blush. “Ok I don’t want to hear about that crap remember boyfriend overseas equals an extremely lonely girl.” Roxy pouted pointing at herself.

“Have no fear Jay is here to bring you cheer.” I said as we all started laughing. “Ok just don’t say that again.” She laughed getting back in her car. “Go, have fun, don’t worry about me and if you need anything I’m only a phone call away.” Justin said kissing me hard before making me get in the car.

“So I don’t mind to talk about the guys a little bit but can we make sure it’s not the whole time? I mean I know you guys are upset by them being gone but I just don’t want to hear about AJ or Nick because I have finally started having good days and being happy again.” I said as we took off towards the mall.

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