Chapter Fifteen: What Have I Done?

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Chapter Fifteen: What Have I Done?

“Jay it’ll be ok just calm down I doubt he’s going to hurt you since he cares about you enough to get you a promise ring.” JC said as Nick approached the car. I took a deep breath and let JC’s words sink in and he was right Nick wouldn’t ever hurt me so I opened my door and turned to grab my stuff when I felt someone grip my arm and start pulling me out of the car backwards.

I turned to see Nick standing there glaring at me. “That hurts Nick stop.” I said trying to pull away from him. “Hey thanks for the ride back Jay I’ll talk to you later and let you two talk.” JC said heading into the studio. I stood there feeling the bile rise in my throat as my fear started rearing its head again.

“Nick please you’re hurting me.” I said as he pulled me away from the car and slammed the door shut ripping his keys out of my hand. “Say something already.” I said frustrated. He just glared down at me his grip tightening. “Nick you’re going to leave bruises on my arm just please let go.” I pleaded as the pain started to get worse.

“So would you like to tell me where you were for lunch today and I’d be careful about what you say.” He growled grinding his teeth together. “Yes I came here with JC for a few minutes.” I replied deciding the truth was best in this case since he was starting to cut the circulation off in my arm.

“Why would you come here and not come see me?” he asked dragging me closer to the side of the building so we would be out of view of everyone. “I knew you were busy and we didn’t have a whole lot of time so I just ran upstairs with him to say hi to the rest of his group plus I knew I was going to see you after school.” I said trying to pull out of his grasp failing yet again.

“I’m not letting you go so stop trying to pull away from me.” He snapped as we reached the side of the building where we were hidden from all eyes unless they came out the side door which no one ever used. He threw me up against the building grabbing me by the throat with his free hand holding me in place.

I freaked out and started kicking my legs but nothing seemed to faze him. “Nick please I can’t breathe.” I managed to get out as everything started to become fuzzy. “Now listen carefully you are mine no one else’s and I swear if I ever see you with another guy again I won’t be able to control what I do to you.” He growled in my ear before letting go of my throat.

I instantly rubbed my neck as he let go completely. “I can be friends with whomever I want, no one not even you can tell me who I can and can’t hang out with.” I said trying to yell but it came out normal since my throat was sore from him grabbing it so tightly. “No you won’t be friends with anyone unless I say you can be.” He countered glaring down at me.

“Whatever Nick you’re not my daddy and you sure as hell don’t own me.” I managed to yell as I slowly made my way around the corner of the building that way others would see me at least I hoped they would. “That’s where you’re wrong and that ring proves it.” He growled grabbing my wrist. “If that is what you truly think then here take the stupid thing back.” I said throwing the ring at him.

“You inconsiderate bitch that was a family heirloom.” He said slapping me across the face. I stared up at him in shock not believing he just hit me. “I’m sorry I didn’t know.” I said rubbing my cheek. “I was going to try and be nice about this but I guess you would rather do things the hard way.” He said pulling me up against him.

“Nick stop, I’m sorry i didn’t come say hello to you today I didn’t think it would turn into such a big deal but I am going to be friends with whoever I choose you can’t ever change that.” I said looking up into his furious eyes.

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