Chapter Twenty One: Can't Be Real

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Chapter Twenty One: Can’t Be Real

On the way to his house I decided I wanted some authentic Italian from my favorite restaurant, Bella Mafia. “Justin can we stop and get something to eat before we go to your house?” I asked in my most innocent voice.

“Jay we can’t I need to get you to my house so you can lay back down and get your rest. I promised the doctor I would make sure you stayed in bed and followed his orders.” He answered not even looking my way.

“Please, Justin, I haven’t had real food in so long I think I have forgotten what it tastes like.” I pleaded. “Jay begging isn’t going to get you anywhere now when we get to my house I will make you something but only after you are comfortable in my bed.” He smiled.

“But I’m hungry now, you wouldn’t deprive me of food would you?” I whined sticking out my bottom lip while giving him sad puppy dog eyes. “That’s not going to work on me.” He smiled keeping his eyes on the road.

“Then look at me when you say that.” I teased him. He turned his head towards me with a grin on his face only for it to turn into a defeated frown. “Where do you want to go?” he sighed looking back at the road.

“I knew you would cave.” I smiled at him. “You better tell me where to go before I change my mind.” He grinned. “Bella Mafia of course only my favorite restaurant.” I laughed. “Leave it to you to love a restaurant that is based off a movie about an Italian family where the women run things.” He said shaking his head.

“Hey what can I say those women knew how to get things done.” I beamed at him. He smiled at me taking my hand into his. The rest of the drive to the restaurant was spent in silence as we both reveled in our thoughts.

He was probably thinking about what he had gotten himself into with me while I was picturing a mound of chicken fettuccini on my plate with homemade bread mmm. I felt my stomach rumble with anticipation as we pulled into the parking lot.

“You weren’t kidding you really are hungry aren’t you?” he said as my stomach growled again. “Yep after choking down so much hospital food I started finding ways to get rid of it and only eating some of it.” I smiled at him.

“I don’t even want to know.” He laughed shaking his head at me. “What? It was simple really I just smashed it all together and put it under the bed.” I laughed. “Oh my I bet they are going to be surprised when they clean your room today.” He chuckled. “I’m sure they will be cussing me.” I laughed.

“Ok well I’m going to run in and order our food to go.” He said kissing me on the forehead before getting out of the car. I tried to stop him to ask how he knew what to get me but he either didn’t hear me or purposely ignored me.

I stared out the window watching traffic go by when I swore I seen Nick’s Navigator go by but it didn’t make sense because he should have been at the studio since he didn’t come up to the hospital.

I couldn’t ignore the gut feeling I had when I saw that navigator so I called him. I let it ring and ring until it went to voicemail then I hung up and called again. The third time I tried to call him it only rang once and went to voicemail so I knew he was avoiding my call.

I couldn’t believe he had forwarded my call to voicemail so I decided to hang up and call him back one more time which he forwarded it again. So this time I decided to leave him a message.

“Hi babe it’s Jayden I was just wondering where you were today when you knew I was being released from the hospital. It’s a good thing Justin stayed with me last night because someone had to help me get out of that wretched hospital gown and into my own clothes. Oh and let’s not forget the fact I can’t be left alone while I’m on bed rest so he has volunteered to stay with me and help me with everything including bathing me. I guess just give me a call whenever you’re not so busy.” I said hanging up the phone.

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