Chapter Eight: Welcome Home Surprise

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Chapter Eight: Welcome Home Surprise

“Wow nice place, I got the impression you were an only child?” Nick said as we started down the driveway. “I am an only child why would you think otherwise?” I asked confused. “Um your house is huge.” He said as AJ parked.

“Oh yeah it is but it has also been in my family for well forever, my mother inherited it from her parents just as I will when it comes time for that to happen.” I said as AJ opened my door. “Wow that’s so cool I absolutely love the historical feel it puts off.” Brian said as he got out.

“Wait until you see the inside.” AJ said as we started up the path. AJ and I were ahead of the others because they waited for the rest of the group to park before they walked up. “I wanted to say thanks for taking me along with you today I had an absolute blast.” I said as we made our way up the stairs to the porch.

“I knew you needed some cheering up and what better way than for you to meet the group I joined.” He smiled putting his arm around my shoulders. “Yeah definitely good thinking on your part because wow I never would have thought that I could be in one room with so many good looking guys wait until the girls see what we brought home with us.” I laughed.

“Oh yeah I can see it now Ciara is going to freak on us for not giving her a heads up.” He smiled opening the door. “Yeah she will get over it fast I promise.” I said walking into the living room where the girls were sitting.

Roxy had the tv turned onto the speed channel watching bits and pieces of this past week’s race. “Ha look at that Stewart just stomped Newman’s ass.” I said making my presence known. They all looked up and grinned. “Yeah you better watch what you say.” Roxy glared at me.

“Oh whatever, watch and see who wins the race and then tell me who the best is.” AJ said standing beside me. “Shut up stupid Gordon lover and it wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for him spinning Busch out.” She glared at him.

“Ok let’s save the Nascar rivalries for race day.” AJ said as we could hear the footsteps on the porch. “Yeah because we brought a surprise with us.” I grinned. “What did you guys bring us?” Ciara asked. “Not what but who.” I said as AJ let them in.

He showed them the way to the living room and the looks on the girl’s faces were priceless. “Who are they?” Anna asked. “They are the guys in AJ’s new group and his manager Avery.” I answered smiling.

It was fun to see them all wide eyed and quiet for once. “Yep this is Kevin, Howie, Nick, and Brian.” AJ said introducing them to the girls. “Guys this is Roxette, Angelique, Ciara, and Savanna otherwise known as Roxy, Angel, Ciara sometimes I call her C and Anna.” I said pointing to each of them.

“I love the names and I see Nascar fans as well.” Brian said nodding towards the tv. “Oh yeah I was just watching the highlights of last week’s race.” Roxy smiled. “Ha you mean re watching your boy get his butt kicked.” AJ commented.

“Yeah I was so pissed Gordon so cheated to win.” Brian said as he started watching the tv. “Yep that’s exactly what I just told Gordon lover here.” Roxy said nudging AJ’s arm. “Ok enough Nascar for one afternoon.” I said turning off the tv.

“What’d you do that for?” Roxy whined. “Oh I don’t know maybe to keep you and AJ from arguing the rest of the night.” I laughed. “Yeah thank god Jay turned it off otherwise you two would have ruined the p..” Ciara said as Anna covered her mouth.

“Ruin the what?” I asked. “Oh you know the party isn’t that why we have the company to party?” Anna grinned. “Oh um not really they just came to hang out.” I said staring at them. “It’s always a party when I’m here.” Roxy laughed.

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