Chapter Twenty: Another Hospital Visit

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Chapter Twenty: Another Hospital Visit

“AJ you have to drive faster than this if you want to ensure we get Jay to the hospital before she passes out.” Roxy screamed from the passenger seat. “I’m going as fast as I can without crashing because if that happens then we won’t be just having to get Jayden to the hospital it will be all of us going.” He said as he turned another corner sharply causing the tires to squeal.

I was in the back with my head in Nick’s lap while my legs laid across Justin as they tried to keep my body from jarring around while AJ drove like a mad man. Once we reached the hospital Roxy and AJ ran in to get help while Nick and Justin slowly removed me from the SUV carrying me inside.

“What happened?” A nurse asked running outside. “She jumped in the middle of a couple of guys fighting trying to stop it and ended up getting kicked a few times.” Nick said as the nurse led the way to a room.

“Why does she have a cast on her arm?” she asked as they laid me on a bed. “She was attacked in the back parking lot of the mall.” Justin said as the nurse put an oxygen mask on me and checked my other vitals.

Not even a couple minutes after she had the mask on me I was coughing up blood into it. She yanked it off me and made everyone leave the room as she yelled into the hall for the doctor to rush to my room.

He rushed into my room only to reveal the same doctor I had when I was in here last time. “Jayden has anything happened to maybe cause your ribs to puncture a lung or anything else?” he asked I nodded my head as the nurse filled him in on what the guys had told her happened.

The doctor called to radiology and before I knew what was going on him and a couple nurses were rushing me down the hall rushing me from one hall to another until he made it to the room they had prepped for me.

He had them take x-rays then they rushed me upstairs to ICU. I had no clue what was going on other than it was serious. I had doctors and nurses in and out of my room hooking me up to this and that. I had IV’s instantly ran into my hands I started to feel extremely tired as I began to go in and out of sleep I heard the doctor tell them the surgery room was prepped and ready to go.

I slowly opened my eyes only to see a haze I had to blink a few times before they focused properly. I looked around the room I was in and noticed all the machines around me. No one was in the room waiting on me to wake up so I began to panic when my monitors started going crazy.

“Jayden honey don’t move and calm down everything is going to be just fine I’ll go let the doctor know you are awake.” She said rushing out the door just as quickly as she had rushed in. I waited for what felt like eons before she returned with the doctor.

He smiled when he saw that I was awake. “Jayden sorry we didn’t tell you what was going on but it was imperative that I rushed you right into surgery apparently when you tried to break up that fight and ended up getting kicked it caused two of your fractured ribs to completely break causing one of them to scrape the side of your lung and the other to puncture it slightly.” He said sitting in the chair next to my bed.

I nodded slightly because I had a tube sticking out of my mouth. “Now if you are up for visitors I will go and let your very impatient and worried friends know they can come up and see you two at a time.” he smiled as I nodded.

It wasn’t a surprise when AJ and Nick walked thru the door together both rushing to either side of me. I smiled up at both of them. “Doc says that two of your ribs broke causing issues with your lungs and he had to do surgery immediately.” AJ said as he grabbed my hand in his. I nodded to show that is what happened.

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