Chpt. 1

356 11 1


Life was great.


The people loved me.


I was... Beep Beep!!!

I opened my eyes and sat up looking around my room. Just a dream. I knew it was too good to be true. I didn't want to get out of the warm covered of my day bed, but I knew dad would start yelling if I didn't. I ran my hands through my thick brunette hair trying to naturally take the tangles out before raking a comb through it. I blinked a few times trying to steady my blurry vision but it was no use. Squinting, also hitting the snooze button,  I reached over and found my glasses laying on the nightstand next to my bed. Sliding the black oval/squared glasses on my face I could finally see things, well almost. My vision wasn't 20/20 and my left eye had no sight to it. Yes I was legally blind in one eye.

My parents wanted me to get a service dog for me when I was 6 but I was too young so when I was 10 I bought a puppy and trained her myself. She's probably the best thing I could have ever gotten. It's funny how when you think of something for a long time they appear, lucky irony, here she came. Her tongue sticking out padding to me like this was her own place and I know she's happy. I wouldn't dare take her to school due to her maybe biting someone for hitting on me, literally for both parts. Her spotted coat and skinny tail tapping lightly on my bed post. She was a Dalmatian and I named her Lae. Don't ask me I was 10 but it seemed good at the time cause she was really lazy as a puppy. I petted her head softly and sighed before getting up.

Once the cold air hit my front exiting my bed I was tempted to get back in and just cuddle with Lae. I think it was on my part too sense I'm only wearing pink shorts and a tank-top. I pulled out a gray sweater, skinny jeans, high-top converse that's red, and a plaid scarf.

Once I put on my clothes I walked into the bathroom welcoming the smell of coconuts, flowers, and other smells. I loved Bath and Body Works. That was my place along with, Pink. I put my hair in a messy bun like always and put in a braided headband along my hair to keep my bangs out from my eyes. When that was done I brushed my teeth with my pink tooth brush and walked down the black hallway carfully to not miss the steps. Once I was down stairs I smiled at my dad who always sat to the far right side reading the sports news paper drinking his black coffee. Due to old age he had to get reading glasses and hated them cause they always slid down to the bridge of his nose. I giggled at the sight causing him to look up and mimic my smile

"Hello dad!"

"Good morning sweetie."

I grabbed my book bag and as I walked by him and kissed his forehead softly before making my small bike ride to school. Yes, I got to high school. Yes I'm 16. No I don't have a car. No I will never drive. If you knew my story you'd understand.

I looked at my surrounding and admired the sun shinning through the leaves and the brick wind against my face. After about 30 minutes of riding my bike I parked it on the side of the school and walked around to the front holding my books against my chest keeping my head down watchin my feet as I walked. I hit something hard and me bring small and fragile I fell, flat on my butt. I pushed my glasses up that fell on my nose and looking up at what I hit.

I looked around and everyone was looking at us. I felt small and useless. I whimper picking up my books and scurried off the class. I sit in the front cause I can't see well. I always try to stay low but that doesn't happen when your the known 'geek' who just ran into the 'bad boy' in the hall and didn't look at him, say sorry. I'm the coward who didn't face my bully. As the bell rung to have class people pooled in and the ones who walked by me hit me with their hands, shoulders, anything really. I wanted this to stop but how can you stop something that your too afraid to admit too? I just let life take it's corse and wait till I find someone to stand up with me. But that'll never happen. Who wants a blind girl who can barely see out of the other? No one, zip, zero. Well other then my parents and Lae. The math was hard as crap and I hated algebra in pre-calculus. It was confusing and I could hardly read the letters and numbers and I just started making up my own problems. I hates this why couldn't I have just gotten out early sense I have good grades. I hated my schedule

1.) pre-cal.
2.) U.S. History
3.) English 4
4.) chemistry
5.) lunch
6.) gym (cancelled)
7.) study hour

Yep I hated it but once lunch was over I could go home after but I didn't. 

The day went smoothly. I avoided people as much as possible and it worked until I walked outside. I saw him and I put my head down further then ever and walked to my bike but when I got there it was beaten, broken. I closed my eyes and let two tears fall before being pushed against the school. I closed my eyes completely and flinch when I feel the breath of someone on my ear.

"You'll regret ever doing that glassy. One crack and your gone."

Who is Hagen you might ask? Well he's the NUMBER ONE MOST meanest, party guy, drunk, bad boy. I think that sums him up.

I had a right to be scared but who wouldn't?

I am Broken but Fixable (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now