Chpt. 7

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I bit my lip as Hagen laughed his butt off as his parents left and said their good byes.

I looked over at my parents and glare at them. I couldn't believe what they had just done. Not one bit. When I looked over I saw that his bags were in the living room. I was going to be living with the devil himself for a year. I sigh and flinched when something was wrapped around my shoulder. I almost came back and elbows him in the stomach and broke his noise but I stopped. Lesson for all: DONT SNEAK UP ON ME!

"Babe don't be afraid it's only me." His voice was stupid. I blush for some odd reason and try to move from his grasp but he held me in place, his arms were around my shoulders.

"Get away, you hate me at school why not hate me here?" I mumble looking down at my bare feet.

He chuckled and moved his arm. "Babe. It's too easy to hate you. Why can't you love me?"

I look at him. I don't see why I couldn't love him. Oh wait!! He's a player, bad boy, and doesn't care about anyone else but himself. I think I made my point across. Right?

"I'll never love you and that's a promise." He seemed to be amused my my anger and annoyance. I walked over to the stairway.

"I hope he's staying on the couch." I mumble but my mother seemed to have heard it.

"Oh no dear he'll be staying in your room with the trundle out"

Great just my day! Just my flippin day. I groan and stomp up to my room and slam my door. I hate everything. I walk over to my dresser and grab my beats earbuds and push them into my phone and blare the most amazing artist ever.


I open my window and dance around the room humming softly to 'Smile'

'"You said hey.
What your name?
It took one look
And not were not the same.

Yeah you said hey,
And sense that day
You stole my heart
And your the one to blame!

And that's why, I smile
It's been a while
Sense everyday and everything
Has felt this right
And now
You turn it all around

And suddenly
Your all I need
The reason why, I smile

The rea-...'"

I stopped singing and dancing when I saw Hagen standing at my doorway, leaning against the door frame, with a dang smirk on his face. I was totally embarrassed. I blushed deeply and bit my lip hard.

"Your cute when you blush, and dance around the room like an idiot girl with just got asked out on her first date."

I glare at him and roll my eyes "stop quoting Taylor swift, well you sorta were..."

I trialled off and looked at him and he was looking at me as if I was an alien. "What?"

"Who's Taylor swift?"

I just started at him with the same expression on my face. I could kill him right now. He just started laughing and leaned his head back against the wall of the doorframe. I clenched my jaw and through a pillow at him and it hit his face. BULLSEYE!!

I was so confused as to why he was still laughing and why he found it funny? I took my eyes and smile as I walked over to him and closed the room in his face and locked it.

"Open the damn door now glassy."

I giggle "its my house, my room. Go to yours" I yell from the other side of the door from where he was at.

I hear him mumble a few curse words that I needn't say. This year was going to horrible for me and him this year, I knew it and I had a feeling he did also. I start playing my music again and continued on for another 20 songs before I called it quits and I went to bed. Maybe mom will let me skip tomorrow? It's already 1 something.

I closed my eyes as soon as my head hit the pillow but I couldn't fall asleep. Why? Maybe because the schools bad boy was staying with me in a years time and I had to pretend I liked him. Lucky me. Thought I'd be picked on more, and hated by the girls who would die to be in the same room as him let alone house. I find it displeasing and not in any way comfortable. For one he insults me in front of my parents in my house and what do I get? Unnoticed and the jerk living with me.. Sucky I know..

Hopefully I can survive this without falling in love or committing a crime. And I just hope this isn't your typical clique.


Sorry the short chapter guys it's sorta late here but there will be an update soon so


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