Chpt. 17

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Guys.. This book is almost to an end!!! I honestly will go back once it's over and edit more scenes and other things but I think I'll go from 20-25 chapters to this book then the epilogue!!

Let's begin the chapter shall we?!

« Hagen »

I waited and waited. I barely ate and never slept afraid I'd miss my chance to see Kade. I went to the hospital every day asking if I could see her but they always shot me down. Okay I know the tattoos are a little much and sure I smell like damn cigarets and alcohol but hey cut me some slack. She has been in there for 3 months. They told me that she wasn't allowed to have visitors other then family and that pissed me off completely to where I almost just punched the front desk lady. I laid in my room and had my beats blaring 'Stressed Out'. I had my eyes closed so I was a bit startled when Mrs. Donohue came in. I took off my beats and put them around my neck. We had gotten close and I had understood Kade alittle more from her parents. Her dog was a service dog. She had gotten hit before. She was blind in her left eye. She never wanted to send the person who hit her in jail. She has had a fucked up life and I just gave her shit to add to it.

"Why do you need?" She looked at me and started crying. I tilted my head and she hugged me just out of the blue.

"Hagen she's okay, she says she doesn't want to see you but I want you too, say what you want and need to say, okay?."

I was frozen. She was awake. She didn't want me to be there with her, but yet her mother wanted me there. I stood up and rushed out of the house. I had taken my keys front he counter and hopped into my truck and raced to the hospital. I ran inside and they already knew why I was here and they pointed down the recovery room's section. I took off and scanned the room names before I stopped suddenly at her room door. I stood at the doorway and watched as she was talkin to the doctor. Her arm and leg was in a cast but she had years in her eyes. I walked inside to room and the doctor looked at me and put a soft hand on my shoulder and squeezed it before walking out. What was his problem. I looked at Kade and she looked at me, she just stared at me like I was a stranger. I walked to into her room and but my lip. She looked awful and helpless in that bed.

"H-Hagen..." Her tears were sliding down her cheeks. I rushed to her side and put my hands on her cheeks and wiped her tears away.

"Kadence... " she lifted her right hand softly and slowly running it through my hair. She was hesitant with her actions like she wasn't sure if I was even there. 

"Who is she?" She stared at me but I was confused at who and what she was talking about.

"I-... What are you tal-."

"Sir your ganna have to leave.. Now"

"No, Kade wh-.."

She just pulled away from me and turned over from her back to her right side. The doctor stepped in and pushed me out of the door. What just happened? I have to know why she was walking about. I pushes the doctor back and the leaned over and pushed a button that was on the wall. I fisted my hands and clenched my jaw. This dude has got to be fucking joking!

"What the fuck?!? let me go fucking talk to her!!"

I was about to go to the door before these two guys took me my the arms and dragged me outside.

"Let me fucking go!! Bastards!"

They pushed me out of the front door
"You come back here boy you'll be going to jail."

They then walked back inside. Damn it. If I go to jail fuck it I have to know what's wrong with Kade. No matter how much she hates me. I was about it loose it. What the fuck did she mean 'her'? What the fuck did the doctors give her? I rolled my eyes and walked to my truck and cursed under my breathe. They couldn't keep me from her and if they tried they'd be in the hospital also or better yet, 6ft under.


I have updated for -broken bones!!

Do you guys want her to have memory loss?


Be paralyzed?

Or nothing but broken bones

Comment and let me know and I'll continue the chapter!!! I make different scenes for whatever you pick if I get an even number


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