Chpt. 20

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This may be the last chapter before the epilogue. If I end it now and you still want me to continue after the edits I'll make a sequel or I'll add more chapter!!

On to the book!!


I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I shot up and looked around along a breathe. Today was my first day back from the accident, I guess 3 months in a coma was a show stopped in my life but who knows I may see Hagen's met girlfriend today. I was happy they said my foot going be in a boot. I got up and walked down the stairs. I must admit I had done a pretty good job ignoring Hagen that morning. He tried to talk to me and things but I would just look at him, shake my head and go away but he'd follow me. I couldn't still process what that paper said. I hated him. I hated him cause he's dating someone that's now me. I hated him cause after I went to bed he had ripped up the paper to where it was unfixable, like my life. So true.

I walked outside and saw Hagen standing at his truck almost trying to telekines me into his truck but that wasn't going to happen. I got out my bike and started pedaling to school but his truck was either ahead of me, next to me, or behind me. It's almost like if he left me I'd disappear. I wanted too, trust me. Once I was at school I parked my bike and limped inside. I was listening to Let it Go By James Bay. I was humming along and kinda moving my head, from side to side slightly, to the beat. I had gotten to my first period and the teacher just told me sense I had missed so much I could just work together with me new student that had come. The new girl looked shy like me and I smiled softly before sitting next to her.

"Hi, I'm Kadence but you can call me Kade."

The girl smiles " I'm Ladin.. I go by Ladin."

I laughed and we were best friend from that moment on. We did the assignment so fast the teacher was impressed and the only reason we did was to talk more.

I had said goodbye to Ladin until lunch as I walked to the next class I had. Of course I had used my crushed foot to walk and I had to bit back the tears. I walked into the class and sat down in my seat. I huffed softly grateful I was sitting down. My breathing was ridged and rough. Everyone hit my and it didn't help my side hurt that like crap. I whimpered when someone really hit me and I looked at them with teary eyes.

I couldn't see the person due to my blurry vision, broken glasses, and now the tears. The person went to sit down as the teacher handed me a tissue and I took it slowly before letting all my emotions out. I stood up and walked out of the classroom. Why did everyone hate me? I needed Ladin. I realized that all I really wanted was someone who could be my friend and not judge me. When I was in the hallway I saw what I wished I would have never seen.

He did it. I saw him and Bridget laughing, hugging, kissing. I looked down and sniffled before turning around and walking away. I couldn't believe he was sight Bridget. I can't get it out of my head. Hagen leaning against the lockers, Bridget pressed against his body, and their lips pressing against each other's. I let my tears fall as I ran into someone and I fell hard on my side making me scream out in pain.

I looked up at see one of the jocks. He smirked down at me and he pressed his foot against my broken ribs. I kept screaming for him to stop and everyone was in the hallway in a circle around us just watching. My tears puddled around my face. I wished one of the ribs would press against my heart or lungs and kill me. I just laid there screaming, crying, and being laughed at. The teacher soon came and got everyone to back away. This was the first time I was going to ever do something about this. This was the first time I realized I wasn't wanted. I didn't try to move from my spot and I heard Ladin pushing through the crowds screaming my name. She knelt down next to me and I saw her crying. I looked up and saw Hagen with Bridget around him. He was just watching and soon he walked away as Bridget pulled him laughing at me and calling me a worthless bitch who wanted attention. What did I do to deserve this? Well I did get Ladin out of it so it might be turning into something good right?



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