Chpt. 3

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I woke up to having a bright white light being shown down on me. Where was I? I sat up slowly and shook his head running a hand over my face and through my hair. I was in a hospital room, but why?

Just then the doctor and my parents walked in. I had to admit the doctor was really pretty, black hair pulled back at the sides and had it cascade down her back and shoulder. She had the china doll look to her with light makeup, but really red lips. I turned my attention know to my mother, who rushed to my side and my father was right behind her. They both looked like they were crying. What happened?

"Oh my baby!! Your okay right? Your not hurt? Can you see?" My mom took my cheeks between her hands and moved my head around as if she was looking to see if it was still attached to my body. I groan and rolled my eyes softly moving her hands away

"Mom I'm fine.. What happened? You act like I got-..." I stopped mid sentence and swallowed. I shook my head from my thoughts and stared at them. I knew it was a touchy subject even for my parents. I squinted my eyes to try and focus my eyes but it wasn't working. I bit my lip and looked to see the doctor handing me, my glasses. Once I put them on I realized they were cracked and I frowned but I could still see out of them.

"Thank you.." I looked at the doctor who smiled softly.

"You had quite a episode Kadence, you had slim to none brain damage, twisted you ankle and had hypothermia, you shouldn't of had been out there in -12 degree weather with only a thin sweater and a jeans. No matter how warm it is in the mornings."

I watched at she looked down at the clip board she walked in with before I focused my eyes down on the plain white covers. I didn't like the smell when I was little and I still didn't. It smells like death, old people, and disinfectant spray. I wrinkled my noise at the thought and sent, awarding a gag as well. I guess my mom say the disgust on my face and put a hand on my shoulder squeezing it softly.

"When can she leave Dr. Rollen?" My dad was the one to speak up now. His voice was hard and cold. He was intimidating. And how someone like my bubbly, emotional mother got paired and fell in love with my serious and all work father, still surprised me and flaw to show love knows no differences.

Dr. Rollen nodded and looked at her clipboard. "She can leave this afternoon and go to school in the morning but any signs on dizziness, vomiting, and or any other symptoms, come back instantly."

I was happy to leave so early but I dreaded going back to school. I hated how it was so hard for me to even make one friend. Out of the 1,000 people that go there not one wants to be there for me. I sigh at the thought and stood up walking to the bathroom to be facing a sicker, paler, and deep grey eyed girl with broken glasses, and a bruised face. I'm broken but I hoped it was fixable. 

I looked away from the mirror and sighed. I wasn't going to go to school like this. I looked dead and beaten. I bit my lip and sighed yet again. I was freezing and my touch was chilling.

I walked outside the bathroom to only be put back in bed and just watch spongebob. Of course I wasn't complaining but it could be better and I could be at home instead of this death bed.

We had finally gotten out of the hell-hole and was on the way home. The ride was was so long I had fallen asleep again. We went to the city hospital instead of the town hospital sense I guess it wasn't that good unless you needed stitches and/or a cast. When I did wake up I watched at the blurry lights of yellow and orange passed in a swift fading, brightening, then fading again.

I closed my eyes again thinking of what tomorrow will bring before dad spoke up.

"We're having dinner with our friends and their son's joining us. Please don't hide this time Kade, I know your shy and are anti-social but please just try to show yourself through the night."

My parents words had started me and I hurried to put on my broken glasses and looked at him through the rear-view mirror at my dad. I saw him pleading mentally through the eyes and I looked down at my hands and nod.

"Okay.." I bit my lip and sighed. I hated people ever sense I got hit. People caused pain, it's what they do. They want to love, but lust clouds their minds. Guys are just animals wanting to make everything theirs, even the girls. They be with so many girls just to try and be better then the others that were before them. I'll never meet my dream guy. Even if I did it was no use. Who would want to legally half-blinded, broken, shy, mess? Mom and dad had the true love. Mom was the hippy while dad was the business man. They had gotten together to have sex that night and 9 months later I popped out. Mom had stopped her nomad ways and dad was... Still serious. She was 18 and dad was 26, shocking I know! But that year they got married and are going on 16 years. That's a long time.

I'd like to think I was the reason they got together and my mom believes it too cause dad was 'all game' or so said mom. I wondered what that meant, but I was too shy to ask almost embarrassed about my thoughts I kept them in the mental trashcan.

We soon arrived at our destination and I was more then happy to step out of the car and rush inside and I quickly stripped of my clothes and put on a tank too and shorts before crawling into bed. Lae jumped up on the bed and curled in the bend of my knee laying her head on my hip. She had licked me on the cheek and slowly closed her yes along with me.

I sighed. Tomorrow's a new day, I'll have to meet people, face the crowd of people who will laugh at me, and act like it doesn't bother me anymore. Soon I knew I'd crack but how soon? When? Why? As these last questions came I felt the darkness takeover my entire body and not just my left eye.


1,158 words!!!


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