Chpt. 4

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I was running full speed, what's wrong with him!?!


"Please!!! S-stay away!" He had trapped me, gosh he looked so cute though. His brown hair pushed up in the front, big blue eyes, and an evil smirk on his face.

Beep!! Beep! Beep!

I was hearing the school bell call for us. "Babe.. Why can't you be bad for one day?" He was so close I could feel his hot breathe against my cheek and neck.
"P-please... Y-.."

"Kade!!! Get up!! Your ganna be late!!!" My mother just had to wake me up. I'm still confused as to why I was dreaming about Hagen Sáve.

I rushed over to the clock putting on my brown glasses and looked at it can't be that's late... 7:52?!! I'm totally late!!! I put on jeans, a sweater, converse and put my hair on a pony tail. I shook my head grabbing my bag and rushing out the door. I grab a price of toast and bit into it before putting it down and running out the door. I looked around.

"Where's my-.... Crap!"

I left it at school sense it was wreaked and Hagen had to break my only transportation. I sigh and push my glasses up on my nose and start the 5 mile walk to school. As I did so I looked and captured all the nature around me, well all I could see. I smile and looked over at a fawn, I was standing an looking around. Where's it's mother? I walk over to it and kneel down. I slowly reached my hand out and she came to me. But then bounded into my arms. I giggle and hold her softly. She was cold, and was finding warmth in the crock if my neck readying her head there. She was tiny and broken. She reminded me of myself, young, fragile, feminine, and yet so strong to trust others. I kept walking only to find a horrific sight. The car, the same one..the fawn wiggles out of my hands and bounded to her mother but I was frozen. The car rolled closer and that crushed me more as hot tears rush down my face. I remember the screeching tiers, the sound if every bone crushing together and breaking. I remember... I remember opening my eyes only to see out of sight. I looked around franticly before running bak home and hitting my dad with full force. I but my lip and sobbed onto his suit but he just held me. I was happy he was serious but he was more caring then bossy.

I held him until he had to leave. And I stayed home

(Pov. Change!!! 😏 only once though! Maybe...)

- Hagen -

I was waiting, for what? don't fucking ask me. I hear the final bell ring and sigh in disappointment. I had gotten the damn girls bike fixed for her and she doesn't even show up. Classic but this isn't what you think, I was apart of a big ass bet. I smirk just thinking about it. I heard she's hiding something that coast millions and when I do, I'm getting my brother out of jail. I know but I can't take over the dealers business until I get him out. Fucking papers. I roll my eyes and walk to class. I smirk at the sluts who practically make their panties drop at my sight but I can't help it if I'm that good at sex. True I head your suppose to wait due to STD's and shit but who the fuck cares it's high school and college will be better. I'm not going to get married, I'm not going to have kids, and I'm not going to 'fall in love'. No who would think that?

I slump down in my cal. class and not pay attention. I laid my head on the desk and get my phone before having it snatched away. Toby Farrah. My best friend aka drunker.

"Smokes, dude, your missing the action."

Action. Every time I hear that word I think of sex. It's always sex. I smirk again to see him talking about our young, 26 year old, teacher who was beading over showing her cleavage. Okay I'm in no taste for older women and yet I don't go for the young and innocent. I'm okay that the same age sluts, nothing wrong with that right? Right.

I sigh and stood up from the chair and walked out of he room with Toby on my locker and got out the bag of weed I took from my house. I always had a stash somewhere close when I got bored I got high. I walk to the bathroom and rolled the joint into a cigaret looking one and lit it. I shared it with Toby and soon the joint was finished. I smirk and stood up. I was high as fuck right now.

I loved being high. I could forget everything. I was on cloud 9 and nothing could be better, well other then the sex but with the sluts it was the same things that started getting old...

Wait did I just say sex was boring? What was happening to me? Shit I need to get my head right. Where's that one chick anyway? I wonder if she already got here? I need to get the stupid shit out of her. Maybe my first virgin sex too? Yeah that'd be nice.


Sorry short chapter I'll update soon!
Please comment I want to interact and get to know people and know what I need to do to make this book interesting!!

Thanks guys!!

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