Chpt. 15

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I laid in my room just thinking about how he could be so open with his body like that. I wouldn't. I wouldn't even wear a crop top or bikini. I was so subconscious about myself it wasn't even real. I stood up and walked over to Lae and laid my head on her stomach.
"What do I do girl?"

She looked at me before licking my cheek. I sighed and closed my eyes as I started driftin off when I heard Hagen yelling at his friend I figured they'd started fighting. I walked to his room and pressed my ear against the door.

"...3) how do I stop thinkin about her? I always picture what she looks like or what she'd do!..."

Who was she? And she was lucky to have Hagen's heart... Wait what an I saying? I couldn't have feeling for the back guy. After debating with myself I decided to walk inside to see way was happening. BIG MISTAKE. When I did walk in Hagen just exploded on me. I wanted to know who the girl was they were talking about but I didnt want to stand their anymore. I close my eyes fighting back tears before I ran down the stairs and collapsed on the couch, that's when my mom called me. I looked down and felt my throat tighten up and when I felt something wet on my cheek. I reached under my glasses and wiped my tears away but they just fell faster and multiplied. I walked in the kitchen and sat down on the counter as I leaned my forehead against my knees as I wrapped my arms around my shins and cried.

I didn't know how long I sat there until I heard my mom call me again. She was in her room across the livingroom. I wondered what she wanted.

"Kade come on I don't have all night!"

I wiped my tears an stood up and walked to her room.


"Oh there you are I need help with dinner but first I need something to wear tomorrow.. Help me pick it out please."

I nodded and picked out a nice women's grey suit then I had helped my mom cook a big diner. I had started to sit down when she had suddenly handed me plates, napkins, forks, and knives. I noticed she already put down the cups. I start putting the plates down and the silverware also. Once I was done I looked at the clock.

"Mom wants the time? I know it's not 1:30 am, when's dad getting home?"

Mom came to me and tilted her head "what did you say dear?"

I pointed to the clock and she gasped once she saw the time. "Ohh it's 6:34 he should be ho-.."

Just as she was finishing her sentence dad walked in and gave mom and perk on the lips and on my forehead. I sighed before I walk to the trash and pulled it out of the trashcan. I tie the strings and start walking outside. I open the door to see it snowing hard. I couldn't see 5 feet in front of me.

"KADENCE ELISABETH DONOHUE!!! shut that door right now and let one of the boys take out the trash... HAGEN! Can you come down!?"

I heard him yell back a yes. I cross my arms and gave her a death glare. She wasn't going to control me and I can take the trash out just as good as Hagen can. I heard him coming down the stairs and I just grab the bag and walk outside slamming the door behind me. Stupid Hagen, stupid crush, stupid chick he likes, I hate everything but what did I have that he wanted? I'm just a no good half blind girl who got hit by a car. Whoopty doo. I just decided not to wait any longer and I started walking outside. I was having trouble seeing but that's okay so would Hagen. I had finally walked to the end of our drive way and open the trash bend. I should have put on a coat, I put the trash in the bend and close it before walking back.

"Kadence!!" I rolled my eyes thinking it was my mom who opened the door but the voice was deeper, it was Hagen. Why would he be calling for me?

I started walking back to the house my feel are freezing, wet, and almost knee-deep. I had stopped to looked at my surrounding but it was the wrong choice before I knew it, I heard a screeching sound. I didn't have time to look when I heard a horn, breaks, and tires squealing on the ice before everything went black.

"Kade!!" I heard soft voices. I was pulled to someone's chest. I heard nothing now. What just happened? My entire left side again. My body was frozen but my mind was racing. I can't.. My vision was blurry and I stuffed to not slip but it was too late.

I can't. I can't keep fighting anymore.


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