Chapt. 23

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• Hagen •

I watched as James pushed her down. She wasn't the one to say sorry automatically anyway, I should know. Bridget had pushed me against the lockers that day, true she had tried to seduce me with her slutty ways but I wasn't falling for that shit. She had kissed me and went I went to push her away I hadn't realized I was kissing her back. I know if someone had saw this unfold thy would have thought I was holding her and kissing her. I didn't care who saw this really but if it was Kade, I'd be a dead fucking man walking.

I pulled away when I heard a thud of someone hitting the ground, then a scream. I looked over and saw Kadence on the ground crying, holding her side. The jock, James, was holding her down with his foot. That bastard was going to fucking pay. I pushed Bridget away and I started walking towards the heartbreaking scene.

Just as I was about to reach them Bridget pulled me away but the crowd was also blocking my way to see. I head people gaspin and just watchin as the girl I loved was in pain. I heard people calling her name, but I didn't hear her reply. As Bridget pulled me out of the school that's police and ambulance pulled up. That's when the worst thought entered my brain.

He killed her.

I jerked away from Bridget and waited. I saw the police taking James away, his hands handcuffed behind his back, and the police telling him his rights. Then the paramedics took Kadence out. She looked broken, her neck was in a brace and she looked ready to give up. He eyes weren't open but that didn't matter. I raced to the hospital right behind the ambulance but when I parked and tried going in I was throw out. Damn it I forgot I was banned from here... Fucking doctors, body guards. Just life in general sucked ass.

I rolled my eyes and called Nat but he said he already got the news and he couldn't believe that he wasn't there to stop it. I was there but I didn't. I felt guilt hit me so hard I walked to my truck and slammed my hand down on the steering wheel and cried a little bit before going back to the house. I wrote Kadence a letter explaining everything. If she made it, she should know how I feel.

I had asked Nat to go and hand in the letter and check up on her everyday. I told him to use the money I gave him to get flowers, balloons, and candy for her. Yeah I seem whipped but that's okay for me now cause the only one a really care for is on her last life line.

I was ending the year I would spend with Kade more and more. I hated this. After 2nd week in the month Kadence was out, Ladin and Nat got together and were almost the perfect couple. I know he wasn't like me and he knew how to treat a girl. I had stayed in my room that entire day as the two barged into my room and pulled my up.

"Hagen we're sneaking you into the hospital to see Kade. She's not good."

I stood up and threw on a collar shirt, jeans, and converse. I hadn't shaved in a while so I had scruff along my face but it helped with the disguise. They have me: a hat, a gray wig, an over coat, and a cane. This could work. They gave me old man glasses and we were in our way.

I got out of the truck and wobbled to the hospital. I as going to be Kadence's grandfather until I got in the room. Luckily she had a different doctor sever her condition was worse. I hated that but made it past the guards. Thank the fucking lord. I hobbled to the front desk.

"Good evening, I here to see my grand daughter.."

The front desk lady didn't even look at us and just sighed as she typed away in her key board.

"Name sir."

"Kadence Donohue."

She nodded and looked up. She looked at Nat and Ladin before nodding to them.

"They can show you."

"Thank you lass"

Once we were passed the front area of the hospital I took off the extra things and shoved them into a bag Nat had. I was close behind Ladin and Nat and once we were in front of we room I was nervous. Nat patted my back before we all walked in. She was turned on her right side her back facing us. The monitor was beating slow but I just noticed how pale she was, his her life flu brown hair was dull and weak. Her face looked thinner and I watched as Ladin walked over to her and moved the covers. I couldn't see what else she was doing before she said.

"She's bad Hagen.."

I walked over to Kadence and instantly noticed her bony skin. I slowly touched her cheek, bony. Her shoulder, bony. Her ribs, nothing but bones. I pulled away and I watched as the sene in front of us unfolded. My world was forever changed.

How did you like Hagen's pov.????

I might add more to it later!


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