Chpt. 12

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I couldn't believe he cooked like honestly I thought if he did even TRY he'd fail and burn the house down. I do admit I wish he fixed me some but sadly I knew he wasn't. I had to fix stupid toast and put grape jelly on it. It wasn't half bad honestly. Though I am an amazing cook and could be on the baking shows.

I sat down on the side of the table and nibbled at the toast. I had put the crust down on the plate once I was done before I went to throw it away. I never say the crust and guess who did?

Hagen, yeah he totally just picked it off my plate and ate it, right before I was going to stand up and throw it away like a sanity person.

"Your gross!" I take my plate and put it in the sink and when I turn around Hagen was there. He reached behind me and put his plate over mine pinning me against the counter. I swallow and look up at him.

"It was your own spit anyway and it's not good to waste food Kade. You should know that glassy" he smirks and walked away leaving me frozen. What the actual crap! Who dose he think he is trying to manipulate me!

I bit my lip and groan "stupid man-whore.."

"Heard that!!!" He's so stupid of course I wanted him to hear it, or else I wouldn't if said it in the first place. I made sure not to say that out loud accidentally. I walked into the living room and plop down on the couch. I found The Notebook and I kept it on the movie. It was at the part when Noah was with Ally and they were first meeting again sense the war and engagement. I always loved the part when they were on the boat. Hagen sat down next to me and and laid his arm around the back of the couch.

"Whatcha doing?"

I look over at him and pause the movie "stop being Annabelle from Phinese and Pherb" I giggle and start to unpause the movie when he started moving his jaw again. I swear when could I get a break with him! Could he not guess I didn't want him around me?

"Your calling me a girl?"

I laugh "there are a ton of things I wanna call you like-..."

"..- like cute, sexy as fuck, hot, a sex god, delicious, a-..."

"..- a No, a pain in the butt-.."

"-... A cute butt though-.." He smirked and winked at me.

"No, and I wish you'd stop interrupting me-..."

"It's the truth Kade, it's the truth." I turn to him now and cross my arms.

"Who says?"

"Who says your not perfect! Who says your the only one who's hurtin! Trust me that's-.."

"STOP!!!! YOUR NOT SELENA GOMEZ!!!!!" He found my blowout amusing and I put my hand over his mouth before he could speak. I was going to slap him if he opened his mouth another time while this movie is playing.

"Not another word Hagen or you'll be outside until my parents get home."

He nodded against my hand and smiles as I do the same and we sit in silence and finish the movie. Once it was over I looked at him with tears leaking from my eyes. I hadn't noticed that I was curled against Hagen's side. I sat up and scooted away but he didn't even seen to notice.

He looked back at me and moved his hand to my cheek before he whipped my tears away. "Don't cry, your eyes look better when their shinning with happiness, not sadness."

I bit my lip and look down a bit. He moved his hand so I was resting under my chin and tilted my head up. I sniff and gaze up at him. I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips.

"Your too good."

"W-what?." I was confused on the statement he said.

"Your too good for anyone."

I shook my head slightly but I saw him creep forward. I felt my cheeks heat up. What was happening? My heart was beating faster and faster. I had never been in this situation before.

I felt like a lost puppy but Hagen took me in. When I felt my eyes starting to close I knew what was going to happen. I was scared honestly cause this would be my first kiss. I let my face lean into his touch and his breathe was mixed with mine.

I inched closer as his hands cupped both my cheeks and our lips grew closer. I wasn't ready but yet at the same time I was. I wanted this but I didn't. I needed this but didn't need it to be him. I was thinking about pulling away and I-...


Ha!! I'm so evil, cliff hanger!


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