Chpt. 13

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Just a little bit more... And the front door slammed over welcoming the older couple with their bags full or crap and clothes.

"Honey were home!!!!"

I was snapped out of the trance and I pulled away. I didn't get my first kiss and I saw Hagen smirking almost like he planned this. Of course he was! He wants something from me and I can't let my guard down.

I roll my eyes at him and stood up running to my parents, flung my arms around them tightly.

"I missed you guess so much!!" I wanted to pretend that Hagen wasn't the one to drag me into this crap and he almost stole my first kiss! Like who dose that? He must want something. That was going to be the number one things to get to me. I looked over at my parents and smiled before helping them. Hagen helped dad with the luggage and I helped mom cook.

Dinner was a bit awkward between me and Hagen but when wasn't it awkward? I just pushed my food around on my plate not really in the mood to eat. I was too concentrated on how I would confront Hagen about wanting something from me then to only drop me right then and there. He probably wanted sex. Like any teen guy that's all they think about. Obviously.

I pushed my plate away from me and walked to my room. I didn't feel like doing anything but I have to, I always do. Once dinner was done for them, I had to wash the dishes as my parents went to bed early after the long traveling that's when the real drama began. I had noticed when u walked down the stairs when I left Hagen was just watching almost like he had wanted to follow me. But when I came back down he wasn't their but his room was open also. I shrugged as I walked into Hagen's room and closed the door crossing my arms. I rolled my eyes as I saw him on the couch reading P+P+Z and rip out his earphones.

"What do you want?!?"

"Fuck.. What the hell was that for?!?"

I started down at him and he looked confused. "What do you want from me Hagen. "

"What are you talking about glassy?"

I fisted my hands and bit my lip "what do you want from me so I can go ahead and get you out of my life?"

He looked over at me, back at his book. Then at me again. He stood up and backed me into a corner. "You want to know what I want?"

I was a bit hesitant I went to say what, but he beat me to my words. "Oh stop bullshitting me, you weren't so shy before why now? Why am I so intimidating to you?"

I shook my head "y-your not... Your not!" I couldn't show weakness to him.. I wouldn't.

I was unhappy my voice have it away but I sighed and had repeated myself so he could know I meant it. He leaned his face closer to mine. "You.."

"H-huh? Me! I didn't do anything to you!!!"

He started laughing at me just to press his body against mine. What was his problem? I had pressed my hands on his chest to try and back his up but I failed in doing so. I groan and cross my arms at my failure. "answer my question!!"

"You aren't getting your wish Kadence, your going to with me for a very long time."

He smirks and walked out of the room while I stood there trying to figure out what the heck happened.

I shook my head and followed him before knocking in the bathroom door. He can't just do this to me. He's making a complete mess and he's not even trying!

"Hagen open the door!!"

One thing you should know about me. My number one most biggest pet pev. is ignoring. I wouldn't let Hagen know that cause then he'd drive me crazier. I didn't need that and neither did anyone who was around me at the time.

"Open up, I have a question!! And you never told me the answer to my other one."

I heard him groan in annoyance with me and I smile. I will break him, just like glass that's been thrown against a brick wall. But when he opened the door he stood their in all his naked glory. I screamed and closed my eyes with my hands and close the door. Well I slammed it. I swear I could hear him laughing. I rolled my eyes and bit my lip before walking into my room.

I knew he did that on purpose. I could okay his games. I may not get naked in front if him but I can beat him and nag him until he's begging for me to leave him alone. He's going to tell me what he was saying and what he wants from be. One way or another.


"I'll finish him like a cheesecake" -Fat Amy.


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