Sneak peak

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« Hagen »

"Dude you need to calm the fuck down, it's just a dumb chick in our class we always mess with." My friend Nathan said as he laid on his back, on the couch/my temporary bed, as threw a baseball into the air and caught it.

I roll my eyes and grab the baseball "dude she's not just some chick, I can't stop thinking about her! I always think about what she's look like, what she'd do! Ugh Nat! Help I don't know what wrong with me!!!" I toss the baseball on his stomach and jerk my head to the door hearing her soft knock.
Fu- "what Kadence?" My words were bitter but I can't let her know how I feel so it's the only way. I saw her try to hide behind the door before stuttering out

"I-I'm sorry.. I just heard screaming-.."

"-well obviously I'm fine! Get out!"

I hated myself honestly. I wanted to run after her once she was out of the room. I glared back over at Nathan who was laughing his ass off.

"Dude, your stupid, you keep doing that shit she won't ever want you."

Here's a peak of the future that'll come soon!

I am Broken but Fixable (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now