Chpt. 2

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After Hagen scared the crap out of me I walked home. My bike was totally was and I couldn't do a thing about that. I was in deep hatred for Hagen and I felt sorry for his wife when and if he gets married. I laughed at the thought.  I walked inside and read a note on the table just as I put my stuff down.

'Hello dear,

Me and your father will be gone until late.

Xox -mom'

This day was the worst day of my life. After being humiliated and picked on, now find that my parents are gone on a 'date'. I'm left with just Lae. Not having the sight I need in my left eye, I run into the wall before the stairwell and blood started dripping from my nose. I closed my eyes and turned my back into the wall and slid down it trying to hide myself as the pain got worse.

Lae, sensing my pain, came whimpering softly. Her wet noise nudged my hand softly and I moved it.

"I-I sorry Lae, I... I'm not in the mood this time I'm not even...."

I looked down and bit my lip softly. I blame the accident and not my eyesight. Ever sense that day I've been an outcast. I noticed after my day dreaming Lae had left and came back with her collar and leash. I smiles softly and pushed the teal collar over her head and walked to the bathroom cleaning my nose before hooking her to the lease and having her drag me to the park. There was always another dog there everytime we were and I wondered who the owner was. He was a pretty Dalmatian and was still a man, if you know what I mean. The more I thought about it the more I realized I never had her spaded due to my young age and my parents just telling me they'd cut her open, I had refused and... I was snapped out of the thoughts due to Lae barked at me to unhook the leash and I did. Sense when did she become the master? I just shrug and watched as she walked happily to her shinning armor. Even my dog has a lover. I sat down next to a tree and took out my phone playing music softly as I leaned my head back taking a short nap.

I wake up to myself being freezing and my dog to be nowhere, there was no sun either. How long did I sleep? Where was Lae? Why am I still at the park? I stood up, grabbing my phone as I looked down at my fogged breath. I started walking home when I was pushed down. I had lost my glasses in the contact of my head and the sidewalk. Great blind, lost, cold, and I had someone close. I could hear their breathing, or maybe they were laughing? I turned to the sound and before I knew it I started closing my eyes. How hard did I hit my head again? I want to be a nurse to kids who have a disability like me. I laid my head down and hear sirens, howls, footsteps, drawing closer. I struggled to keep my eyes open but I did it long enough to see Lae, a cop car, an ambulance, and my parents. What happened? What time was it? I couldn't answer any of these because I was at lost with words. 'I'm death cold' quoted the doctor and who also said 'lucky to be living'. I want answers I need them! I won't rest till I get them, that was a fact until the sedated me. Great I'll be drugged and sick. Just the worst day ever, I should have never gotten out if my warm day bed this morning!

Lesson learned never ever ever not listen to your mind.

"Guys I have a bad feeling about this..." Me talking to my imaginary friends were the best conversations ever. Of course I was 3-4 not that old.
"Luis that's not nice.." I smiled and skipped across the road not paying attention when a drunk sped across the 4-way stop and hit my left side hard.

I broke all my left ribs, my arm, ankle, and dislocated my kneecap. The most damage was to my head. I broke my jaw, nose, and had brain damage also but that affected my senses which was my eye's sight. It damaged my nerves and unplugged my pupal from seeing, ever. It was tragic for me at a young age and that's why I'm so short only standing at 5'1- 5'3 now from all the cast, braces, and other holdable trinkets. I just remember the screaming for the most part and the pain all down my body. I screamed as the driver backed and fled the sene. Oh how stupid I was to cross the road. I was just lucky nothing was badly injured so in grateful it was just my bones and eyes.

Why did odds never be in my favor? I woke up from my drugged sleep and looked around at my surroundings. I'm in the doctors offic, well hospital room. How long was I out? I looked at my parents and when I tried to speak nothing came. Oh no, another sense gone. I started crying and sobbing soft gasp from my other loss. I just hoped it was permanent. I didn't know what I did to have this but I can't stop it. I sighed and just spaced out when they talked bout my conduction with get doctor. I just wanted out.




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