Chpt. 8

210 11 0

I was running, panting. I tried to avoid him and also running into a dead end. I glanced back to see no one behind me anymore. I stopped and slowed down to a walk but I was speed walking. I looked around at my surroundings, I had never seen this place before.

I sigh in relief and lean against the light pole. My breathing was slightly faster then normal and my hair was messy from the wind. What did he want from me. I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes and when I put them on he was in front of me

"You shouldn't of ran Kadence"

I swallow hard and he stepped closer I back up. Every step he took I took one back until my back was against the cold hard brick wall of the building. I look up at him as he put his forearms on either side of my head and pressed his body against mine.

"P-please... Ha-.."

He smirks and leaned forward his breathe against my lips

"Don't, just enjoy this."

I swallow and look into his eyes. I felt mine growing closed like his. A small breathe escaped my lips as his slowly brush against mine. He took my hands and wrapped them around his neck and-


I shot up from my bed panting softly. I touched my lips and look around my room. It was just a dream? It felt so real. I stood up and put on clothes that consisted of: a Guns & Roses shirt, White skinny jeans, Black flats, Rose headband, and I let my hair hand in its loose messy curls. ( pic above.)

I walked down the stairs to see Hagen without a shirt, boxers, his jogging pants hanging low on his hips, and his hair was messy. I shake my head. come one snap out of it Kade!

"Done staring glassy?" I finally get back to reality and look at him. I glare and he put his hands up in surrendering.

"Hey, I wasn't the one eye-raping you." He smirks and winked.

I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen and try to reach for the cereal that dad always out up at the top. I huff in annoyance as I couldn't get it and fold my arms over my chest. I walk over to the living and sat down on the couch. I guess I'll just skip breakfast. I closed my eyes and sigh before jumping when someone cleared their voice.

"You parents left you this." Hagen was holding a piece of paper.

Dear Kade,

We'll be gone for the rest of this week and weekend. Please use the credit card for anything you need! Like food, and things like that.


I roll my eyes and crumble up the paper and throw it away stomping up to my room. I didn't realize Hagen was following until when I went to close the door it didn't.

"What do you want?!?" I felt my throat tighten up, my eyes getting watery, and seen the tears came. They always left me. Why am I so sensitive?

Hagen didn't seem to be bother by this and he just ran a hand through his hair.
"I'm going to a party so don't expect me until... Monday."

I look at him and crawl into bed, he left and closed the door behind him. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I see Lae come out and I pick her up and hold her close to my body. She's the only one who stays with me. I sighed and bit my lip. I couldn't believe this nightmare.

I sigh and listen as the front door opens and closes. Looks like I'll be pulling a loner tonight.... And every night for the rest of my life. I sigh and pull out homework and start working on it.

If the cells goes through prophase what occures?

This was easy! "The cell envelope disappears, and the chromatids become visible." I didn't know I was thinkin out like and then that reminds me of the song by Ed Sheeran. I loved that song. I sigh and once I was done with the 20 question homework I wall to my closes and bit my lip pulling out my old guitar.  Man I haven't played that in years. I stopped once I realized completely that I was blind and I wouldn't be able to see at all. I sigh and ran my fingers over the black cover then my fingers found the zipper and I unzip it to find that black guitar that had a brown fading in the middle. I pulled it on my lap and strum softly all the cords running through my ears in soft harmony. Iv's missed playing. 

I start playing different cords and remember one song that my mother always sang when I was on the hospital.

Today was a fairytale in heaven.

I loved Cinderella and that was my song, I always imagined being with someone like Prince Charming but that was until I realized how cruel the real world is. I swallow and smile softly as I played throughout the night.

I realize I'll never get my fairytale but it was nice to dream right?


I was dreaming about Hagen being my fairytale?!! Help me out guys!! Hit me with something I can't possibly want to be with the bad boy that's living with me.. Can I?


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