Chpt. 14

144 7 1

« Hagen »

I  listened to the nagging of Kadence. What was her deal? What the hell was she talking about 'what do I want'. I want nothing more then to stop thinking about her, get my brother out of jail, and to find out how to get her damn money and secret.... Oh shit. How could I forget about that? And in just 2 months. What the fuck is wrong with me? I found it amusing when I had just exposed myself to her but who's to blame me? She wouldn't stop so I made her. Okay I'm a teen boy who's a bit immature. But I seriously need to get that damn money her parents have.

I had gotten in the shower and stayed before I got out 30 minutes later. I got a towel that was hanging on the towel rack and wrapped it around be, walking into my room, got dressed in just jogging pants and a muscle shirt. After looking at myself in the mirror I was pretty please with how amazing I looked without trying. I walk down stairs to Kade squealing about snow. I looked outside to see about 3-5 inches out side. I called my bro over. I dialed his number as I walked up the stairs. I closed my door just as he answered.


"Nat come over here now!"

"Hagen calm down bro. If it's you need more cigs I got some."

Shit I've stopped drinking and smoking because of her too. "Dude no, glassy, she's changing me."

He was quiet for a moment before answering. "I'm on the way."

I was pacing around my room. She can't be thinking about me like I am her! She's driving me crazy wither she knows it or not. I'm so fucked up.

My bro was there in like 30 minutes and he ran up to my room and slammed the door.

"Tell me every thing."

"Okay I'm stuck staying here for a year, I plan on getting the money before then, and ithinkimfallingforher..." After I had jumbled the words together I had noticed that I had confused Nathan. I was freaking out while he was calm as fucking ever.

"You think you yelled at her?"

"What? No that's not what I said.." I sat down on the couch and ran a hand through my hair "I said I think I'm falling for her.."

I looked up at him and put my hands on my knees squeezing them until my knuckles were white.

"Dude you need to calm the fuck down, it's just a dumb chick in our class we always mess with." Nathan said as he laid on his back, on the couch/my temporary bed, as threw a baseball into the air and caught it.

I roll my eyes and grab the baseball "dude
1) she's not just some chick.
2) I'm living with her now.
3) how do I stop thinking about her? I always think about what she's look like, what she'd do! Ugh Nat! Help I don't know what wrong with me!!!"

I toss the baseball on his stomach and jerk my head to the door hearing her soft knock.

"what Kadence?" My words were bitter but I can't let her know how I feel so it's the only way. I saw her try to hide behind the door before stuttering out

"I-I'm sorry.. I just heard screaming-.."

"-well obviously I'm fine! Get out!"

I hated myself honestly. I wanted to run after her once she was out of the room. I glared back over at Nathan who was laughing his ass off.

"Dude, your stupid, you keep doing that shit she won't ever want you."

I roll my eyes and say next to him running my hand through my hair "I'm so fucked up. "

He slapped my back playfully "no dude, your whipped."

Great that's worse. I head her run down the stairs but I couldn't go after her. She's probably confused on why I almost kissed her then I tell at her. But before I answered my own question Nat asked.

"So dude what's your brother in for?"

I looked over at him before shrugging "hitting some girl with a car when he was drunk." I shrugged and sat down as we talked about all the things I could do to get her back without making it noticeable and creepy while still keeping it secret from everyone at school. I'd have to be shitty to her but that's okay.. Right?

I was starting to think this was a bad idea but who would know? I stood up from the couch and opened my door. I walked into the bathroom hearing her mom say Kade's name. Women. I rolled my eyes and sat down down but this time on the floor as Nat had laid down on the sofa an I wasn't about to sit on him.


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